ten. (Destinys POV)

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I woke up later that day at noon. I looked beside me and seen a shirtless Nash. I quietly kissed his cheek and got up. I went to where the boys were and they were all eating food. "You having fun there?" I asked while laughing. They were all stuffing their faces with food and focused on the movie The Gallows. "Shut the fuck up!" I hear Cameron and Taylor say together. "Fine. Rude." I tell them. They paused the movie and looked at me. "We're rude?" Cameron said. "Yes. And why are you watching the Gallows?" I asked. "Because we seen you had netflix and I wanted to watch it. Duh." Matthew said. "Okay. Well I'm getting in the shower. Does anyone need to go in there before I do?" I asked. "No." Everyone said at the same time. I walked back in my room and got the clothes I got last night. When I opened the Rue21 bag, Nash started to wake up. "Sorry I woke you up. I was getting ready to get in the shower." I told him. "You're fine. Promise." He said in a morning voice. "I'm getting in the shower. I'll be done soon." I told him. He said okay and got up. I went to the bathroom and turned on music. I got undressed and turned on the shower. After like 5 minutes of being in there, I hear the door open. I look out the curtain and see Nash. Good. "Yes?" I said. "So your surprise will be here in like an hour." He says. "Okay! I'll be ready." I said. He said okay and walked out. Finally at like 12:15 I got out of shower. I got dressed and went to my room for the hair dryer. "Damn babe." Nash said while checking me out. "Thanks. Do you know where my wand and hair dryer is?" I asked him. "Check the shelf." He said. I did and it was actually there. I walked back into the bathroom and turned on the hair dryer. When my hair was completely dry, I put my hair in layers so I could curl it. I was in the middle of doing my hair when I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Bitch let me in. I have to piss." Olivia said from the other side of the door. "Hold the fuck up." I said. I finished the piece of hair I had and let her in. "About time. It was about to drizzle down my fucking leg!" She said. I laughed and finished my hair. I hair sprayed it and went to my room. "Well, do I look good for your surprise?" I asked Nash. "Perfect. As usual." He said. "and why are you dressed up?" I asked him. "It's part of the surprise." He said. I walked in the living room to get my sandals. Everyone was dressed nice. "I'm so fucking confused." I screamed. "Why?" Aaron asked. "Everybody is dressed up! What is the surprise?!" I yell. "Not telling you!" Carter said. I got so mad. I got my shoes and went to my room. "So it's one in the afternoon, where is my surprise?" I asked Nash while flopping onto my bed. "Well I will show you here in a few." He said smiling. So while I waited, I watched a movie and cuddled against Nash. He was on his phone texting someone. "Well now we have to wait till 7. My bad babe." Nash said. "You're fine. Now we get to take a nap together!" I said in excitement. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and he started to bite his lip and I said "What? Liking what you see? Cause I like what I see right now." and I started to laugh. "Maybe." He said with a smirk. "I have to pee. I'll be back." I told him and got up. I went to see if the boys were still awake and they all were asleep. Then I went pee. When I was done, I went to the room as said "Everyone's asleep." And he smiled. He sat up and patted the bed next to him. I  plopped into the bed and cuddled up to him. "I have a question." I told him. "What that?" He asked. "Why did you ask me all those questions?" I asked him. "Because I was hoping when you get out of school we would still be together and we could start a family." He said in a serious voice. "Well I have one month of school left. I'm graduating early. I am going to do online schooling when it starts up again. But for now, I have another month with you. and I'm so happy about that." I told him. He smiled and said "I'm so glad I met you. I don't know what I would've done. But my guess is I would've been looking for someone like you." I smiled and cuddled up to him even more. I started to fall asleep when I hear a knock at the door. "Babe someone's here." I said. "Well let's get up and answer it." He said. I said okay and we got up. Everyone was still asleep so we tried I be as quiet as possible. We walked while interlocking our hands. I open the door. "I have a package for a Destiny." A man said. "Yes that's me. What is it?" I asked the man. "I don't know. It was special ordered by a Nash Grier." The man said. I signed where he told me to and Nash brought the box into my room. Before I could even open it, Nash woke the boys up because it was almost 7."Get up! It's time for Destiny's surprise!!!!!! Get the hell up!" Nash screamed in the living room. "Are we leaving for the surprise or staying here?" I asked everyone. "Leaving." Olivia told me. "Well I'm going to tell my dad I'm leaving." I told Nash. He said okay and I went to my dads room. "Dad I'm leaving. Love you." I told him He was asleep so I put a note on his dresser. I went back to Nash and we started to go to his car. When we got to his car, there wasn't enough seats for everyone so me, Nash, Matthew an Olivia road in Nash's car. We started driving to a concert place. When we got there, I got out and we went inside. I didn't know what was happening to I was scared to see who we were seeing. When we went to our seats, I didn't have one. Nash was suppose to reserve seats for everyone I guess. "Babe, I don't have a seat. Everyone else does." I told him. I was last. "I know. Just wait." He said. I just stood there looking like an idiot when Shawn Mendes came up to me. I haven't seen him except for a few times since I've been with Nash. He holds out his hand and I go up on stage with him. "Okay! So this is Destiny. She will be singing a cover of a song that I won't name yet! I will be back soon! Sit tight for the show!" Shawn yells into the microphone. When he gets off stage, I followed him. "Okay so we will be singing a cover of the song Like I'm gonna Lose you. Okay?" Shaw said. "Okay. But can Olivia sing with us? She can sing really good too." I told him. He said okay and I went to get Olivia. We went backstage and started to practice. Shawn sang the guys part and me and Olivia sang Meghan's part. When we were done practicing, we went on stage. "Alright! Who's ready for this? We'll be singing Like I'm gonna Lose You by Meghan Trainor and John!" Shawn screams. Everyone yells and he starts to play the guitar. After we got done singing, me and Olivia went to here all the boys were and we all left. When I got in Nash's car, I looked at him. "Oh my gosh. I can't believe you did that for me." I said. "I'm glad you liked it." Nash said. I smiled and nodded my head. By the time we got home, it was almost midnight. I was tired so I went to my room and fell asleep.
I hope you guys liked this chapter! Chapter 11 will be up soon.

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