Chapter 8

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Phil: are you gonna respond this time?

Phil: I can see that you read this

Dan: I meant to turn that off...

Phil: I caught you red handed

Dan: I'm not in such a good mood

Phil: what's up?

Dan: it's official... I'm being kicked out. I have a week to find a place and get out.

Phil: that stinks. Does this mean you have to get a job?

Dan: I guess so 😰

Phil: what're you thinking?

Dan: idk! Help!

Phil: well, you're socially inept, so it needs to be something where you don't really need to interact with live human beings

Dan: yeah...

Phil: idk how intelligent you actually are but...?

Dan: I'm pretty smart, I guess

Phil: ok, so you're smart, socially awkward, 22, and what else...?

Dan: basically broke. But mum is buying the first month's rent

Phil: that's good, so you have a bit of time

Dan: yea

Phil: Are there any jobs on the internet? Ya know, jobs where you can just lounge in your pjs and do shit on your computer?

Dan: idk...

Phil: I'm googling it...

Phil: how about costumer service associate? You basically get calls from people complaining about random shit. You won't have to leave your house, even the interview is online.

Dan: but people...

Phil: c'mon, you'll be fine. It's not in-person.

Dan: actually... yeah that might be ok. I'm good at technology!

Phil: you're welcome

Dan: thanks

Phil: ttyl?

Dan: maybe


Hello! This is the author person! Yes, I'm actually talking to you. 8 chapters later.

So, as you might know, I've been updating this pretty frequently, because these chapters are short and easy to write. But I'm not going to update as often soon because school is starting! Yes, I know, I know, fuck school, but I have to go to it by law. I mean, I even made it so both Dan and Phil skipped college in this story.

So I'm going to try to update this as much as possible once school starts, hopefully once a day, but don't hold me to it! I tend to get very busy with all my school stuff, and after school stuff, so I'm not making any promises!

Anyways, thanks for reading, every vote, comment, and follow is very appreciated! BYYYE~

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