Chapter 12

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Phil: hey

Dan: hey

Phil: sup?

Dan: not much

Phil: cool

Dan: very

Phil: this is fun

Dan: indeed it is

Phil: so...

Dan: ?

Phil: nothing really

Dan: eh. Ok?

Phil: *awkward cough*

Dan: ...

Phil: what's your favourite animal?

Dan: the DANosaur

Phil: OMG you didn't

Dan: I did

Phil: I like lions. Rawr.

Dan: a DANosaur would easily beat a lion in a fight

Dan: it would literally just bend over and eat it in one bite.

Phil: true

Phil: so now my favourite animal is dead ;-;

Dan: aw, don't worry, danosaurs are very rare.

Dan: I'm the only one on the planet

Phil: *le gasp*

Dan: the danosaur's cousin, the dinosaur, is completely extinct

Phil: but lions are not!


Phil: ttyl?

Dan: maybe

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