Chapter 20

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Dan: can I ask you something totally random?

Phil: shoot

Dan: what's your sexuality?

Phil: ...

Dan: you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable telling me

Phil: you first

Dan: uh...

Dan: bi :/

Phil: wait seriously?

Dan: yeah 😰

Phil: no, don't be nervous about it, I'm gay, it's fine, I understand

Dan: thank god

Phil: no wonder your date got mad at you the other night! It was a guy, wasn't it? That's why he got mad I was texting you?

Dan: yeah, how did you know?

Phil: logic and context clues

Dan: smarty pants Phillip

Phil: lol don't call me Phillip please

Dan: 😏

Phil: Danny Boy

Dan: Phillip

Phil: Hobbit Hair Howell

Dan: Philly


Dan: fine I'll stop

Dan: Philly

Phil: plz stop ;-;

Dan: make me

Phil: I can't really, can I?


Phil: ;~;

Dan: I don't like it when your sad, I'll stop

Phil: yay!

Phil: ghost hug! you can't feel it but it's still there

Dan: thanks ☺️

Phil: ttyl?

Dan: maybe

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