Chapter 13

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Phil: I'm boooooreeeeed

Dan: then get a life I'm working rn

Phil: so how annoying are the customers?

Dan: they're not THAT bad...

Dan: but some are real dicks

Phil: I can imagine

Dan: sometimes I'll purposely put people on hold for a minute or two to annoy them.

Phil: Dan!

Dan: what, it's not that long

Phil: no, idc about that, I'd love to see them slowly get angry as you put them on hold XD

Dan: yeah

Dan: brb in a sec, gotta take this call

Phil: how does that work anyway? Are they calling your cell?

Dan: No, they're calling a number on my computer

Phil: ohhhh

Dan: yeah, well I've got to continue working

Phil: ttyl?

Dan: maybe

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