Chapter 21

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Phil: so how're things? We haven't texted in a few days

Dan: my mum came to check on me yesterday, and she got a bit emotional

Dan: she doesn't like my job -.-

Phil: wtf? It's a job and you're getting payed, what's the problem?!

Dan: ikr, she's just weird about some things

Dan: I ended up yelling at her and she stormed out.

Phil: some people just don't understand

Phil: and some parents are just weird af

Dan: yeah, as long as I'm getting money, right?

Dan: but, no, it's not a real job, apparently!

Phil: aw, it's ok, Dan

Phil: she just doesn't understand how modern society works

Dan: obviously not, I mean, this is a real job! She doesn't understand how stressful it actually gets, taking to some of these assholes.

Dan: idk maybe she just hates customer service on the phone or something :/

Dan: thanks for letting me rant this out

Phil: no prob

Dan: and if you ever need me, or need moral support, or just someone who'll listen

Dan: I'm here

Dan: I mean, that's kinda our thing anyway

Phil: thanks, Dan ☺️

Phil: and this is also our thing

Phil: ttyl?

Dan: maybe

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