Chapter 17

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Dan: Yay. Sunday. I'm off work for the day.

Dan: speaking to oddly jerky people can be quite exhausting and somewhat stressful

Phil: I can imagine

Dan: so what're you up to?

Phil: well, I'm currently shoving pizza down my throat, I'm home alone and I can do whatever I want 😂

Dan: where's your dear mumsy?

Phil: first, I have not and I never will call her my dear mumsy

Phil: second, she's out on a business trip until Tuesday, so I'm alone

Dan: I hate to pry, but what about your dad?

Phil: I'd rather not go into detail about him. Let's just say that he's not here

Dan: if makes you feel better, my parents are split up. I still visit my dad sometimes, but he lives like an hour away from where I am :/

Phil: yikes

Dan: it's fine, really. It's not like they hate each other, they just didn't work out

Dan: they're still friendly

Phil: that's good, it's not like one of those TV drama divorces where the kid hears them fighting every night and one of them ends up sleeping on the couch

Dan: yeah no

Dan: I'm pretty sure that doesn't actually happen that much with divorces. But it definitely does sometimes, I can imagine

Phil: yeah, I'm not a divorce expert but I agree

Dan: well anyways, gonna go out for dinner. Alone. #ForeverAlone

Phil: ttyl?

Dan: maybe

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