Chapter 18

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Dan: I'm going to cry

Phil: why?

Dan: I'm on with this really annoying customer, complaining that their package hasn't come yet, and they payed for overnight shipping. I'm trying to explain that it may not come with the daily mail, but by FedEx or UPS. They're being a total ass about it. Now I'm going to put them on hold for a really long just to annoy them

Phil: some people can just be total  bitches. I would say "oh, but don't put them on hold, that's mean!" But it kinda sounds like they deserve it...

Dan: hell yeah they do. I'm taking the hold time to relax for a second and eat a snack.

Dan: and text you because you calm me down and you understand me

Phil: you deserve a break. Seriously, people can be so annoying sometimes

Dan: and they just won't listen! Like, I'm trying to tell you something that's going to help you out, but you're not fucking listening to me!

Phil: and some people are just flat out ignorant -.-

Dan: you can say that again

Dan: well, they've been on hold for 7 minutes, I think that's enough. They're probably really mad at me 😅

Dan: if I die, I give all my video games to you

Phil: aw thanks, I will cry and grieve for you while playing your games, in your memory

Phil: ttyl?

Dan: maybe

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