Chapter 9

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Phil: it's been a few days, I don't blame you tho, you must be busy with moving out and the job search

Dan: yeah, sorry. I got the job, btw. I'm going to work for Amazon, dealing with customer complaints from 10am-6pm

Phil: awesome

Dan: I start the day after I move in

Phil: awesome, so you can build up a bit of cash before you have to pay the rent

Dan: yeah, it's kinda great

Dan: thanks for finding the job for me :)

Phil: no prob, always happy to help a friend

Dan: to think that this started out as a wrong number

Phil: yeah 😂

Dan: I really appreciate your moral support tho

Dan: it's been kinda rough here

Phil: idk why your mum is so freaked out about you not having a job...

Dan: some parents act differently to their child's life decisions... even if they're not decisions sometimes

Phil: I mean you kinda decided not to have a job

Dan: but I didn't decide to be a socially awkward lazy twat

Phil: but now you're going to be a less socially awkward, slightly less lazy, not twat!

Dan: yes, because that's such an improvement

Phil: baby steps, Dan, baby steps

Dan: I'm such a fat baby that these are my first steps 😂

Phil: I'm sure you're not that fat

Dan: you've never seen me before

Phil: gtg, ttyl?

Dan: maybe

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