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Wearing their clothes (!!)

A/N: cutest. thing. ever. carry on!!

It was about 1 am, and you had been woken up by the chilling air in the flat. And with Dan and Phil on tour, you had no one to cuddle up to. So, you went over to his wardrobe and got out one of his Uni hoodies, and then proceeded to Skype him. With them two being in Florida, it was only eight there, so you had a decent amount of time to talk even though you may have been sleep deprived. Your laptop was already up and running, so all you had to do was pull up the site.

... calling ... calling ...

"Y/N, hi! Oh you have no idea how bad I've missed you, Phil has been complaining all day." He turned the laptop to Phil, who was on his phone.

"Please visit or something, I'm tired of his whining!" He also mouthed 'save me', which made you laugh, and you had to get up and get a tissue to wipe the tears forming in your eyes.

"Hey, Bear?" Dan asked, voice so soft the microphone barely picked it up.

"Hm?" You sat down in front of the screen, yawning.

"Is that my old Uni sweatshirt?" You nodded, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"It was cold, plus it's really comfy. Also, did you catch a hint that I miss you?"

"Bear, you look adorable, why do you never wear my clothes? Ugh, I want to cuddle with you" He whined, leaning on his arm even more. Good thing it was dark, because you were as red as a tomato. The two of you spent a whole two hours catching up on life, before you realized it was 3 am and you had almost passed out while talking to him.

"Okay, well I love talking to you, but I'm about to pass out. We can talk tomorrow morning and after the show right?" He responded with a yes, a 'I love you' and good night, and you fell into a happy, peaceful sleep.

Birds chirping outside your sunlit bedroom window awoke you, the time only being 9:00. Phil wasn't laying beside you like normal, probably up early to take Dan's cereal again.. you thought, throwing your legs over the side of the bed. Once the duvet fell off of your body, you were instantly cold, until you spotted Phil's Papyrus jumper. Sliding it over your head, you headed into the hallway. Feet tapping the carpet softly, you walked out to the lounge to see if either of the two were in there, which they weren't.

You checked the kitchen and Dan's room, no signs, until you heard a loud 'No!' from the office/gaming area. Slowly walking up, you heard faint music playing and sound effect that went along with the mouse clicks. The door, being shut, muffled the two's voices so you couldn't hear what they were playing. Twisting the knob slowly, you pushed the door open to see both of their heads whip around quickly.

"Y/N, good morning Princess" Phil said, scooting his chair over to hug you.

"Hi, what are you playing? All I heard was Dan screaming."

"Oh, The Impossible Quiz, so that's why you heard the yelling. Did we wake you up?" He asked.

"No, you're fine. Well then have fun and, Dan, don't break anything." You began to walk out until Phil stopped you.

"Hey, Y/N. My jumper looks great on you. You should wear my clothes more often" He winked and you walked out, redder than Ron Weasley's hair.

yikes this is 2018 laur coming back to say that all of my writing was so short what the heck!!!

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