21- request

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-13: Back off, yeah?

spooky week special (sorta?? not really, mentions of demons and encounter w one)

It wasn't a very pleasant evening for the two of you. Dan had taken you out to the bar, and you were to remain sober in order to get them home. Your experience with bars and clubs have never been good, always hot, stuffy, and with the awful, overpowering stench of alcohol. And not to mention the number of people walking up to you and hitting on you and hiding the fact that you hunted. Yes, monsters and demons, things that go 'bump' in the night, as they say. It had all gone pretty smoothly the first hour, except for Dan had already downed four drinks. He wasn't normally like this, getting overly drunk, but he has had a lot of problems lately.

"Excuse me, Dan, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure Y/N..." Dan said, a little slurred. He wasn't fully drunk as he would be later, but he was tipsy.

"Where's Phil? I don't know where he went and I think he's gotten a bit drunk..."

"I don't know. Hey, Y/N, that dress looks super cute on you..." He said. I laughed, thanking him for the nice compliment and walked off to find Phil.

Thirty minutes of searching didn't help. He was no where to he found and I was a little worried. I returned to my bar stool to wait for him, though.

"You want something? Anything?" The bartender asked, cleaning out a empty glass.

"No thanks, I'm the driver tonight." He nodded in understanding and walked to someone else asking for a drink. A wolf-whistle came from someone behind you.

"Damn, girl. Coming in a place like this alone and looking like that shouldn't be allowed" A man behind you said. He was around 5'10", and looked about as douchey as douchey gets.

"I'm not here alone, actually." You said stubbornly, your jaw tense.

"Lighten up a bit, relax. Here, have a drink. On me." He sat down, resting his hand on your inner thigh. You immediately moved his hand away, shaking your head.

"I don't want a drink, no thanks. I'm not really in the mood." You had stood up to go, but he grabbed your arm.

"Not so fast, sweetheart." His voice was rough but soft at the same time. His eyes flickered black and back to normal. A demon. Just what you needed tonight. He gave a devilish grin, you flashing one in return.

"Well, how's about we go out back, then?" You said, maybe seducing this one would help. He seemed pretty dumb.

"Sounds great..." He slid his arm around your waist, dropping his hand to touch your butt. Gagging internally, you kept walking and as soon as you reached a safe spot, you pulled out your vial of holy water splashing it on him. He shrieked, sinking to his knees. Grabbing the angel blade on your side from years ago, you stabbed him directly in the neck, taking him out all too easily. Demons aren't normally that easy to take out, you thought. So, why was this one so weak? You shook off the nerves from your last encounter, only to walk back in and see Phil at the bar, tapping his hand quickly on his empty glass.

"Phil, there you are, I was just go-"

"Just going to leave with another guy, huh? To what? I can't believe you, I trusted you..." His voice cracked, shaky and soft.

"Phil, I just-" You went to grab his hand, but he cut you off.

"Back off, yeah?" His tone had suddenly one harsh, but still shaky and cracking. "I can't deal with you right now. I'm calling an Uber for me, bring Dan home later and maybe, just maybe, i'll be cooled off enough to talk about this." He stormed off, leaving his paid bill on the counter.

"You know, I saw that guy, I know what he was." The bartender says as you sit down. You swallow hard, taking in a sharp, small breath.

"Y-You do?" He nodded.

"Yep, you had a demon on your hands, and you sure as hell dealt with that well. That whole conflict between you and-" He looked at the signature on the bill. "Phil here, not so much. Does he know you're a hunter?"

"Does anyone know you are, seeing as you know how to detect a demon?"

"Touché... You know, I would get your other friend and get home as soon as possible. You have some things to work out, and it's not just your relationship problems." He pointed to a couple of other people, recognizable as demons.

"Thanks." He passed a card to you and walked off.

Bobby Singer
Call me if you ever need help on a hunt, I will send help along with myself.

~ 30 minutes later ~

"Dan! C'mon, we have a situation and Phil isn't in the best shape."

"What- Hey Y/N... What's happening? Where's Phil? Where am I?" His speech was slow, slurred. He was full-on drunk.

"Hi Dan, Phil has left without us, he got really mad at me. Do you want to go home? You can watch something on TV." You had to talk to him as if he were three.

"That sounds... f-fun. Bye-bye new friends!" He giggled as he waved to a group of other drunk people, they all yelled something you didn't quite hear. You pretty much had to carry him to the car, as he was not able to walk without tripping every five steps.

"Alright Dan, now, it's an hour drive back home, so turn on whatever music you want." He instantly shot up from his slumped position and played some sort of meme playlist from his phone, you were completely fine with it.


When you had gotten inside of the flat, out of breath, you found Phil in the lounge. Jaw tense, arms crossed, eyes not moving.

"Dan, go to your room and I'll be there to watch something with you on your laptop, okay?" He nodded and leaned on the wall as he walked for support. "Oh, God. I know exactly what you're thinking, and I know how to explain it. It's going to seem really weird, alright?"

"Well then? Please explain." His tone the exact same as earlier.

"You saw me walk out back with a guy right? That guy wasn't any normal guy, he was a- a demon. Now you're probably thinking, 'what the actual heck Y/N' and I completely understand why, but you just have to believe me. All of those things we're told about as scary stories, they're real. I hunt those things for a living, my entire family does. And I've been trying to get out of it for several years, but it never works. A normal lifestyle just isn't possible, I guess." He remained quiet, focused.

"Prove it..." I took his arm, pulling him to our room, the proceeded towards the bed. He sat down as you opened up a safe underneath of it full of hunting materials. Flamethrower, machete, knifes dipped in blood, salt, holy water; you name it, you've got it. "You weren't joking?" You shook your head. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry for lashing out earlier I- I just didn't want you to leave me, I guess..." You had hugged him by
now, and then remembered Dan.

"It's okay, I know how hard it is, trust me. Now, Dan wanted some anime or something? He's going to be hella hungover." You smiled, walking into his room.

oh god well the ending sucks but i am kinda ok with this!! i hope its okay for you!! ♡♡

im editing old preferences posted so if you get notifs dw, its old stuff and new stuff will be up asap !!

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