15- request

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    2- Cuddles are better than kisses.
    32- Shut up and kiss me you dork.

"Philly-cheesesteak?" You said, dragging out the 'i' in his nickname.

"Yes?" He said, pausing his video game and turning to you.

"I like your hair fluffed up like it is now, it's cute." You got up, walking over to him and sitting down next to him. "What's happening here?"

"Nothing much, killing people off is fun" He turned back to his game. "And my bed head is not cute, might I add." He pointed at you, giggling. You sat there for a while, until you got bored and sent out a tweet to make some fans happy.

@-Y/T/H : ask me some questions and i'll reply!! (also ask phil some on here,, hes not bored but i want to annoy him)

Dozens of tweets came in, but one in particular caught your eye first.

@-scootergrassi : what's better? cuddles or kisses?? love you two !!

"Phil? What's better, cuddles or kisses?"

"That's obvious babe. Cuddles, duh."

"No, it's definitely kisses." He was laying on the couch by now, getting uncomfortable on the floor. You decided to crawl on top of him, laying on his chest and distracting him.

"Cuddles," He stated firmly.

"Nope- it's- kisses" You said, in between kissing him. He eventually grabbed your sides, tickling you and eventually getting you to cuddle more with him. "Phil- this isn't fair" You complained, but not all the mad about cuddling with him.

"How? I'm enjoying this, and you are- I guess tolerating it."

"Well, it's freezing in here, and you're very warm so I don't hate it." Wrapping your arms around his waist, you felt him shiver.

"Jesus, Y/N. Your hands are freezing! I refuse to let you move until your hands warm up and you say cuddles are better." He was too cute.

"Fine, cuddles are better. Now at least let me get my phone to return this girl's tweet?" He handed you your phone, with you replying

@-Y/T/H : @-scootergrassi i say kisses, but i think phil has persuaded me into cuddles (we love you too!! ❤️).

You returned about twenty more, but you never moved out of Phil's grasp.

flufffluffflUFF (i hope this wasn't trash and you enjoyed itttt ❤️)

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