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surprising them while on tour!!!

(I've only seen like 4 of these ever so im writing one cause i imagine this to be the cutest thing k rEAD)


You had flown out yesterday for VidCon, a YouTube convention in LA, but had told Dan and Phil there as some meeting you were being pulled into at the time their show would start. They looked super sad for a while, when really you had bought tickets when they first came out for you to come see the show. During the meet and greet, you texted Dan before heading backstage, seeing as you had already talked with the stage crew to weave you into the show without them knowing.

Y/N: danny boii, sorry i couldn't make it to your show tonight.. maybe the australian tour? idk,, ill make it to one ! love you lots and good luckk xx ❤️

Dan: lmao danny boii ? anyway ty and its fine, we look forward to seeing you at one! love you too ❤️❤️

I locked my phone, walking over to the crew to review one last time what we would do.

Then came showtime. I sat at the back of the audience, being sure to not reveal myself. When the two started 7 Second Challenges, I rushed out the doors, to the back where I revealed myself to security and got to where I was in position to walk out.

"Next is from, Y/N," A loud cheer is heard, probably from every person who entered the challenge with the same name. "She says to 'turn around, and try not to freak out'. What?" Dan looks very confused as you step out, him laughing and covering his mouth and Phil just giggling.

"Hi-ya" You said, running over and hugging Dan, him whispering in your ear.

"You.. said you weren't going to make it.. Y/N I don't know how you do it" He laughed and spun you around. Running over to Phil, you also hugged him, never forgetting your best friend. You couldn't hear the crowd going crazy, you were too in the moment. But in it, everything was perfect. You waved bye to the audience and to the the two still standing in awe, then went back to your seat to enjoy the show.

He missed you, ultimately. Phil missed Buffy marathons and cuddles, he missed you playing with his hair, he missed it all. But then, it all would end, because you came up with the brilliant idea to surprise him on tour. He thought you would be at home, unable to make it to any of the shows. But really, you had bought a meet and greet ticket to surprise him. Jumping in at the back of the forming line, almost all of the people for the show were there. A bunch of people noticed you, thank god Dan and Phil weren't out there. You explained to everyone what the plan was, all the 'aws' and a few 'OMG I'M' 's were heard from all around. And then, after everything settled down and everyone began talking, the two tall men came out. (A/N: i didnt plan for it to say they came out but.. )
They waved and took a selfie with everyone, then went to begin moving the line. But you needed some help for this to work..

"Hi, um, you probably already know me but I'm Y/N. And I'm going to need your help" You tapped the fan ahead of you and began to talk to her.

"Yes I know who you are, your YouTube videos inspire me daily, and I'd love to help! My names Chloe!"

"Alright, thank you so much. Okay, so I'm guessing you probably know the plan" She nodded. "Good, now after you go up and get your picture and signed things, could you stand off to the side and record the whole thing? If they ask just say its for a friend who doesn't like to take pictures. Does that work?" She nodded and smiled, probably at the idea of how everything would turn out. You know fangirls and all of the imaginary scenarios they create in their heads, or write down on an somewhere to share. When Chloe went up to have her turn, everything went as planned, and she stood off.

"What are you doing?" Dan asked.

"Oh, my friend doesn't like pictures, so I'm taking a video for her vlog." He nodded, and she gave you a thumbs up.

"Next." The security guard called, and you walked out, Phil covered his mouth and turned around, Dan laughing in the corner.

"Hi" You said, running over to him and hugging him tightly.

"You said you weren't going to make it! Y/N, I don't know how you did it, but I love you." You took a picture for Instagram, kissed him good luck and enjoyed the show. Oh, and not to mention, your seat was conveniently close to Chloe's. And swapping numbers wasn't a bad idea.

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