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listen to the song either before reading or while,, this is a one-shot based on the song and D & P are set as Scott (scarecrow) and Mitch (tin man) in the video above enjoyyy (ive added some secret youtubers in hehehe) *not in relationships w either*

The Wizard Of Ahhhs

Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high

You walked outside with your dog, D/N, looking around at the cloudy sky, confused as the forecast said it would be sunny. Walking further out, you found your group of neighbors doing the same.

"Dan, Phil, what's happening? It was supposed to be sunny."

"We're not sure." Dan spoke up.

"Im really confused." Phil added. But all of a sudden, the wind picked up, dust flying everywhere and a giant tornado was speeding towards you.

Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away

Running as fast as I could, I tried to get back to my house, which I did. Until the storm picked up the trailer and blew it far, far away.

Falling from cloud nine...

I woke up, startled by the amount of sunlight shining through every crevice in the trailer. I opened the door to see a golden path, and a beautiful surrounding area. Then I spotted him/her, my dog, as a human, who looked like Amanda (amandaschronicles for those who are thoroughly confused) . I ignored it, thought of it all as a dream, and continued on. Walking along it, I was met with a fancy-looking princess, with a beautiful big dress and a large crown.

Shoes, shoes. Don't want no short, short men...

She told me to stay on the path, if I wanted to see the wizard. Meaning the famous Wizard of Oz, of course. After strapping on the gorgeous red heels she handed me, I took the sparkling path. I noticed a scarecrow along the side, who looked scarily like Dan, stuck on a pole.

...my eyes don't shed tears, but boy they bawl when i'm thinkin' 'bout you...

Helping him down, we kept walking, meeting a tin man, stuck and unable to move. His eyes moved back and forth from me to the oil can sitting beside him. Picking it up, I started to douse everywhere that would work like a joint on the human body, making sure he could move. Looking at him more closely, he looked strangely like Phil, but I decided to pass it as nothing. We walked for a while, passing so many strange objects and creatures until a lion jumped out, scaring everything out of the scarecrow and making the tin man cower behind you.

I can't be tamed, I can't be tamed, I cant be tamed.. I cannot be!

But then, you turned, thinking discipline would be the only way to calm down the lion.

I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on you now... you're just a lion on the cold, hard ground...

Then we made it, smoke spiraling and a green light coming from everywhere. A familiar man was seated at a throne, looking down upon us. He was dressed in a green, sparkling suit, with many jewels placed upon his face.

No one man should have all that power...

He began to explain what he needed in exchange for return home, in which we needed to find the Wicked Witch of the West.

Don't want no money...

She walked down the steps, pointing at the scarecrow, saying,

"I like your fringe". Walking around him, she yelled about how she wanted your shoes, but you refused. She ran, trying to figure out a way to get them, but you grabbed the nearest bucket of water and threw it at her, melting her.

I'm on my way, home sweet home...

After saying goodbye to all of your new friends, you took your shoes, clicking the heels three times, and returned home. When you were back, you walked outside to a perfectly sunny day, as predicted, to see your neighbors standing out there.

"Y/N, are you alright? You look a little daze-" You cut Phil off with a tight hug, also giving one to Dan.

"Um, Y/N?" Dan asked.

"You will never guess what kind of crazy dream I had..."

well this was trash (2 requests are on the way!!)

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