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Supernatural AU (if you dont watch it, skip or read,, there are explaining details)
set- S3: E13 "Ghostfacers!"
Phil x reader

Death echo- a trapped ghost, stuck reenacting his death repeatedly in a loop; sometimes able to be shocked out of the pattern by someone they're attatched to.

(i was rewatching old eps and I LOVE THIS ONE carry on {my wayward son})

3rd person POV

11:00 pm- outside Morton house
Y/N is recording on a camera, Dan and Phil, head of Ghostfacers are in shot, the other two members behind them.

"Alright, so all we have to do is get in without the cops seeing us, which shouldn't be too hard" Dan says, looking at Phil and then to Y/N. The whole group nods, but ducks and runs when headlights and loud music comes rolling down the street. Zooming in, Y/N spots two middle-aged men, waving them off mentally as tourists.

"Not cops, keep moving" Y/N shoves Dan back at the fence, struggling to cut the bolt. When he finally gets it, the team makes a sprint to the house, setting up a base right in the center of it.

"Dan, you're on making sure everyone knows their route. Y/N, man a camera. PJ, you man the other camera. Chris, make sure the computers are working and help get cameras set up. We need to be ready to go in ten!" Phil says, pointing to each of them and tasking them.

"Alright, team one, that's Y/N, Phil, and PJ, you're headed West. Team two, Chris, you're with me headed East. Meet back up here after a thorough check, okay?" They nodded and headed on to check out the area. A ton of spiderwebs hit the camera, and also everyone in the house. Nothing ominous had happened, quite yet. Phil led the way, Y/N not too far behind, and PJ held the EMF, trying to find any sign of the paranormal. The other two, Dan and Chris, both expected a spirit, but saw nothing. Searching everywhere, Team one comes across something, it looks almost like a person, but not living. Making sure the camera is still rolling Until they saw to lights and heard loud screaming. Part of Team one running down quickly, Y/N recognized the two from the car that passed by earlier.

"Police Office, we're gonna need to see some ID" The taller one stated. He had long, brown hair, was wearing a tan Carrhart, with a flannel and white tee beneath. The other, who was slightly shorter, had shorter brown hair, wore a leather jacket, a flannel, and a white tee as well. He seemed to be the more intimidating of the two.

"Can we see some ID, now!" The shorter yelled, but Dan gave him an odd look.

"Wait a minute, I know you two. Aren't you from the Hell House? Guys, these two aren't police." Dan said, shaking his head.

"We caught it! We have the tapes!" A less loud voice comes from upstairs, Phil's voice. He referred back to Y/N's camera, after coming down the stairs, but notices the tall men before him. 

"Dean, remember those idiots whose asses we had to save when we dealt with that tulpa? Yeah, these are them."

"Fuck me" The shorter, referred to as Dean, says. "You need to get out of here before the clock turns to midnight." He begins to try to move the group out, until Phil notices something.

"Hold on, where's Peej?" Everyone begins to scream PJ's name. Dan runs over to the computers, checking all the hidden cameras. The rest of the team and the two men rush upstairs to find PJ. The cameras are glitching, and as Dan checks the clock, he recognizes the time.

11:59 pm

"Sam! Check the bag for everything" Dean called to the other, Sam.

Screams then filled the abandoned house, echoing through everyone's heads and not leaving. It was PJ, being dragged away by something. They didn't know what had him, but knew they had to stop it.

"Peej! Where are you? PJ!" Y/N yelled, louder than anyone else. Y/N has known PJ the longest of the four, the two being very close.

"Y/N! Yelling won't help, it won't stop this thing. Can I see the tape you had from earlier?" Sam asked. Y/N was about to cut the camera until another ghost-like figure showed up before the groups very eyes. A man, just standing there doing nothing. Dean then began to scream, yelling at the man to wake up. Yet the man stays there, until a bright light shines on him, then the sound of a train, and then he is run over.

"What was doing? And what was that thing?" Chris asks, not moving the camera.

"He was trying to shock the ghost out of his pattern he's stuck in. It's called a Death Echo, they keep replaying their death over and over. To wake them up, though, you would have to have a connection with that person." By this point, Team two had went off to find PJ, up in the dark hallways. Phil led, with Y/N right beside of him.

"Phil, the camera, it's glitching. I've never had a problem with this before,   so why now?" Then, another ghost appears. This one shooting himself in the head. "Oh my God. I'm so fucking afraid." Y/N whispered, getting as close to Phil as possible. He wrapped an arm around Y/N's small, shivering body and continued to walk, until the whole floor was covered. Walking back down the steps, the only people missing were Chris, Sam, and Dean.

"What are we supposed to do? And where the hell are Sam, Chris, and Dean?" Y/N asked, demanding an answer.

"Didn't you hear? Sam was taken by that thing! Dean went down with Chris after him, I don't know what we're supposed to do! All Dean said was to make a ring of salt and get inside of it." Dan said, sounding frustrated.

"Alright, where is the salt? In his bag?" He nodded and the three of them poured salt into a large circle and rushed inside. It protected them, from this Death Echo. They waited there for a good while, until something strange happened. There was PJ, stood there, slightly translucent.

"P-Peej? PJ, oh my God, I need you to stay there for a second, okay? I'm going to try to break you from this horrible loop, alright? Don't worry, you two, i'll be fine." Y/N told the two boys behind her, both had a hand on Y/N's shoulders, not moving them. Y/N stepped out, towards PJ, hoping he could be set free. "Peej, I need your help. You're the only on that can help us, here. Please, help us get rid of that monster that took you, took your life. I promise, everything will get better. I love you Peej, thank you for being my best friend through everything. I'm so sorry you had to go this way. Help us" The small girl's body was shaking, her face covered in tears. She stepped back, to see PJ's form disappear. Inside the circle, Phil held Y/N, rocking her back and forth whilst Dan tried to comfort her. The three just sat there like that for a while, calming each other and contemplating everything that had happened. Then the clock struck 6 am, and Sam, Dean, and Chris walked up the stairs, telling them to pack everything up. The events of today had taken a rough turn on the group, but also helped them grow a stronger bond with each other, never to be lost.

i have an addiction to supernatural

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