32 // girls/girls/boys - p!atd

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i'm in absolute utter shock. #prayformanchester

Girls/Girls/Boys- Panic! at the Disco

@lucyisnotonfire_ (panic was a very popular topic so expect another one for them)
bi y/n is struggling between telling dan about their sexuality

i don't want hear you've got a boyfriend.

Sure, Dan came out as pan a long time ago, and he's very comfortable in his own skin. Hell, he even made the boyfriend tag with his newfound significant other and has started filming makeup tutorials. And yes, Phil tries to encourage positive coming out stories on his channel. But, does that mean it's easier for you to come out? No.

sometimes, you're better left alone.

Phil, being the most mature of the four of you in the house, had observed how uncomfortable you got when it came to the topic of sexuality. You had let him know three months ago, when finally, your high-built walls broke down. And now, it was the appropriate time to tell Dan too. Or so you thought. It took weeks of thinking and planning out how to tell the most out-of-the-closet person that you were coming out of the closet. He would probably respond with something along the lines of 'okay' or 'good for you', and return back to whatever he was doing. But something in you still had doubts. What was it again? Ah, anxiety. That little voice at the back of your head, nagging and creating dark situations in your head to mess you up. See, your anxiety was a bit higher than most, causing you to have major attacks that were almost uncontrollable. And this caused you to refrain from social events, talking to others, and even just going out in public. It got increasingly worse as the days flew by.

and if you change your mind, you know where i am

Yes, Phil tried to help, Dan too, but it seemed nothing could calm this anxiety. It was a beast unwilling to be tamed. And, this beast was one to nag at you until all you wanted to do was curl up into a little ball in a dark corner of a room and silently cry. That's exactly what led you to not telling Dan.

and if you change your mind, you know where to find me

Why you had the horrible anxiety? It was possibly genetics, possibly your own thoughts. All you knew to do was take a pill everyday that kept it quiet for a few hours.

Now during that time period, you became a little braver. You had decided that now during this time would be a perfect time to let him know.

But I, don't ever want to be your boyfriend

Now, when Dan had come out, everything went so smoothly. Acceptance, love, support. The fans did everything they could to love on Dan. He uploaded a video to his channel one year ago coming out, and it displayed his story and how far he had come since coming to terms with his sexuality. Now, the fact that his entire fanbase was ready for this helped a little, but it wasn't the same with you. It was all too different between the two circumstances and would be difficult to come out based on how he did. But, after watching several youtube videos about the topic, you finally gave in.

And, never did I think that I would be caught in the way you got me

"Uh, Dan? Could I talk with you, preferably alone?" Dan shot his boyfriend a wary look, who just nodded and allowed him to follow you into the outside corridor.

"Hi, Y/N. What's wrong? You look paler than usual. Almost... transparent?"

"Oh, i'm just nervous about what i'm about to tell you. So, i've been thinking about this for a while and i've come to sorts with who I am, but with my anxiety it's been really hard to tell anyone. Phil found out a while ago just by my body language and he encouraged me to tell you this." You inhaled one shaky, deep breath and prepared the three words that could change everything.

push another girl aside and just give in

"Dan, i'm bisexual." Dan hummed as a wide grin spread across his lips.

girls love girls and boys

"I know."

"Um... Okay then. This is a bit easier than I thought. Mind telling me how?"

(sophisticated, manipulated)

"Y/N, honey, I do have this thing called a gaydar. Kinda explains itself. And it was halfway going off with you, so I figured you we're either bi or pan." He simply smiled.

And never did I think that I would be caught in the way you caught me

"Oh, um, alright! Thanks for accepting me?" Dan enveloped you in a hug.

but girls love girls and boys

"Anytime, sweetheart."

and love is not a choice.


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