27- request

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⭐️⭐️angst/TW- please stay safe everyone. I know depression is tough. Trust me. But killing yourself won't stop it. It will spread like a disease to anyone who loves you. If you ever feel useless, I'm always open to talk💜 ⭐️⭐️

4. Are you alright?
17. Baby, please.

Y/N feels the urge to self harm and they try to help.


You walked out of the bedroom you shared, shocked and afraid. The death threats you were receiving for your relationship with Dan were overwhelming. Depression sucks. You have been sucked into the black abyss that it is far too many times to count, and each time it has been harder to reach the surface. Fast falling and slow rising.

It was time. Now would be the perfect time to die. There are many ways. Pills, rope, knives and blades. Why not try all of them at the same time?

You walked slowly around the house, grabbing pills and knives.

No one will give a shit if you die. No one loves you. Not even Dan.

You sprint, faster than ever before, to the bathroom, desperately trying to get away from this living hell. That's when you begin planning how it will go down. You plan to start by downing the three bottles of melatonin and two bottles of aspirin on the counter. The. follow up by cutting open your wrists and thighs. Everything would've gone smoothly...
Until Dan walked into the bathroom.

"..Y/N? What's going on?" His voice was sheepish, whisper quiet and childlike.

"U-um, it's nothing. I'm... fine." You immediately look down to the pill bottle in your hand, dropping it coldly to the floor. "...Why, Dan? Why am I hated so much?" Your voice was cold and fearful, and Dan could sense it. He took you into his arms, sitting you both on the floor.

"You're not, you are loved, so much. I love you. Phil loves you. My parents adore you. Why in the world would you think that?"

"Comments on our reveal video tell me that. Just look at them." You stood up slowly, pulling Dan up with you and walking over into your room again and picking up your laptop. Dan scrolled in awe.

danisbae: Slut. Why the hell would Dan date her?
reply -> walrus16382: true

philsbed: she just looks like a whore!

suitjackethowell: stay beautiful, you two! love you


"Y/N. You're blocking out who loves you. There are so many people on the internet that love you. Plus, you shouldn't have to worry about them. I will always be there to support you and love you." Dan pulled you into him, kissing the top of your head. "Can you promise me something? If you ever feel like this again, will you please come to me? Even if you can't talk about it?"
Instead of responding verbally, you leaned back, gently grasping his chin, and placed a long kiss onto his lips.

"I promise."


"Y/N, stop! You know they don't mean it!" Phil called after you. He had been scrolling through his twitter and saw the hate going towards you.

"No, Phil! You just don't get it! They hate me! And I can't control that! Your channel and future will be better off without me." You turned, speeding towards the bedroom to get your razor. Before you could slam the door, Phil was already there, surprisingly fast for someone that lacks exercise.

"Y/N, don't you dare. You've been eight months clean. Eight months. How many of those months have we been together?"

"All of them."

"That's right. Do you remember when we met? You were crying behind a building and your wrists looked so beaten. You can't go back. I know it's hard to fight. Trust me. But you can't go back."

"I won't Phil, it's just, I'm not accepted."

~ two weeks ~

You had cut every single day Phil went out, as well as when he was in the house. You couldn't stop. Luckily it was cold, so you could wear long-sleeves and pants and not have to explain why.

"Y/N can you come here?" Phil called. You were in the bathroom, cutting up your thighs more than before. But, the cuts weren't deep. They were just at the surface, not too bad to worry about.
"Y/N? Where are you? Y/N!" Phil banged on the door to the bathroom. He had seen your distance from the two of them, but didn't take it as anything. But now he was worried. "Baby why are you in there? Are you okay? Do you feel bad?"

"No, Phil, I'm fine. I just, don't trust myself."

"Why?" You could hear a small thump as Phil laid his head against the door.

"Anything makes me just.. think about cutting." The last part was so small and so quiet that only you knew what you said.

"What?" All of a sudden you opened the door, exposing you, the razors, and the blood. "Oh, baby." Phil pulled you to him, trying to comfort you. Your thighs were now covered in wrap to protect it, but you peeled it back to let Phil see. He immediately kissed your forehead, letting you sob into his shirt.

"Let's make a deal. Whenever you want to hurt yourself in any way, I want you to come to me and do exactly what you would to you on me. Okay?"

"Phil, I can't do that. I can't hurt you."

"That's the point." And with that, it was settled.



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