16- request

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  -3: Dance with me?
  -38: Hakuna Matata!
   Dan- At Zoe's makeup release party, you had gotten into a huge fight, and Dan feels horrible about it. But then, Hakuna Matata starts playing and Dan asks you to dance and you fix everything.
*could be triggering if you are sensitive pls be safe k thank*

Everything had gone wrong, everything. It all started off well, until it started raining when you had just gone outside to get the mail. Then, coming back in the house, Dan was furious about something you can't even remember and wouldn't talk to you. You were supposed to take an Uber with Dan and Phil, but you decided to call another, as riding with Dan wouldn't end well. You arrived 30 minutes earlier than them, spending the first ten telling everyone hey, and then sitting at a table, all alone. But suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind you. Whipping around, you saw Joe holding out his arms. You hugged him, unsure of why he wanted one but hugs were pretty fun.

"Y/N, you look great, but also very lonely. Where are Dan and Phil?" Tears sprung in your eyes, threatening to spill. But, you were able to hold it together.

"I'm not sure, I left earlier than them." You gave Joe another quick hug before he walked over to the drink table, meeting Marcus and Caspar. Then Dan and Phil walked in, both looking jaw-dropping-ly gorgeous. Dan had straightened his hair, put in a pair of diamond earrings, black leather jacket, white shirt, and black skinnies. Phil had done something to make his hair a bit fluffier in the front, a beanie, a black and red longsleeve flannel, black skinnies, and white vans. After going to see Zoë, Phil looked around, easily finding me hiding in the corner. 

"Y/N, I didn't see you leave. You look gorgeous." He sat down, picking up your cup of lemonade and taking a sip. "You know, you could talk to Dan. He's not feeling the greatest about that stupid argument."

*slight trigger if sensitive (be safe my children, ily k bye)*

"I can't. T-this has happened to me before. The whole 'fight and run off' thing. Phil, i've never shared this with anyone but a few people, but I trust you. My ex, we fought, a lot.  And, one day, he got so fed up that he hit me. Multiple times. It became a daily thing, beating me up. It seemed to be a game to him. But then I met you two, and my world reversed. I was somehow able to get rid of him and then fell in love with Dan. I'm just so afraid Dan might do the same thing unless I stay away. I-i'm just trying not to anger him more" You began to cry, Phil by your side hugging you and rocking you back and forth.

"Awe, Y/N. Dan would never hurt you. I promise. We've had our disagreements before and he wouldn't even hurt a fly. Just don't piss him off anymore, or he may walk out." Phil left and went to hang out for a bit with Dan, but you just sat there, watching everyone have a good time. Then, out of nowhere, a song that hits you straight in your core, Hakuna Matata. Your's and Dan's song. Not very romantic, but it's what helped you two meet. Tears sting at your eyes again, but you refuse to let them drop. You were shaken out of your daze by a tap on your shoulder, by none other than Dan Howell.

"Y/N. baby. I'm so sorry for that stupid argument earlier. Hell, I felt so bad I forgot what it was about. Phil explained how you felt to me, and you've been through a lot. I hope you can forgive me." He looked down at his shoes, tapping his toes. You grabbed his hand, pulling him down on the couch, and kissed his cheek softly.

"Dan, it's alright. I was just so afraid, I- I couldn't do anything. I love you so much, you dork." You smiled into his shoulder as he embraced you. He stood up, holding out his hand.

"Dance with me?" He whispered gently. You took up his offer, getting up and slow dancing to the oddly un-romantic song. Phil smiled at you from across the room, and you smiled at him, mouthing a thank you towards him before leaning back into Dan's shoulder .

i lOVEd writing this omg (but its crappy af iM SORRY)

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