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    5- Stop screaming or the neighbors
will call the police again!
   8-  I can't believe you would do this!
9-  How could you?
15- I hate you!
   16- I never want to see you again!
   20- You don't actually hate me, do

Today was a Tuesday, the most anticlimactic day of the week. Dan and Phil had just gone to run out and grab some food, but Phil had left his phone. You were thirty minutes into your movie, when Phil's phone started buzzing.

Baby Girl 💙💙: Hey, when are you coming to see me again?
Baby Girl 💙💙: I miss you...
Baby Girl 💙💙: Call me

His phone then began to ring, with a call from this unknown 'Baby Girl'. Was he cheating? He couldn't be, he was too loyal. But, you decided to pick up the phone.


"Philly, why aren't you answering my tex- Oh, You're not Phil. Who is this?"

"His girlfriend" you said, your jaw locked in a tense state.

"Oh, um, well then this is awkward. Why do you have his phone?"

"He left it at home, he's out getting groceries. Who the hell are you?"

"I'm, um- P-Phil's cousin! Yeah, Phil's cousin."

"Bullshit. Who are you?"

"Didn't Phil tell you? I'm his girlfriend. I don't know who you are but you need to stay away from him." She then hung up. So Phil was cheating on you. All those times he had said he was 'going out' he was seeing this chick. Just as you were going to text Dan, he texted you.

best bUD !!1! : YO we're on our way home, btw did phil leave his phone? he can't find it

*Dan's POV*

"Can you text Y/N we're on the way? I can't seem to find my phone..." Phil asked. I nodded and proceeded to text her.

(me): YO we're on our way home, btw did phil leave his phone? he can't find it

buddy pAL : yeah, he did. i kinda need to talk to him about that...

"Phil, look at this." I said, showing him the texts between her and I. "What on earth is that about?" He shrugged and continued to walk, I shook it off as nothing.

*back to normal POV*

Phil came up the stairs, bringing bags through the doorway.

"Y/N, can you help me?" You nodded keeping your movements swift and stiff. Emptying out bags, you saw Phil look for his phone on the counter. Walking over, you handed it to him, pissed.

"So, you've got a girlfriend outside of here, huh?"

"W-What, Y/N what are you talking about?"

"I saw the texts, Phil! I'm not oblivious!"

"Y/N, you saw texts from-"

"Your full of shit girlfriend!"

"Stop screaming or the neighbors will call the police again!"

dan and phil one-shots ✔️Where stories live. Discover now