11 - request

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10. Stop it, I have work to do.

Dan/Phil have a video to edit, but you are really bored and lonely, and keep pestering him to cuddle you

He was editing his newest video, an Internet Support Group, but you had nothing to do. With spending the past hour on tumblr, him working of course, you had gotten bored with it. And your phone was blowing up with notifications in everything,  because you had just uploaded a premade vlog from a couple weeks ago. But of course, now Dan decided he had to upload on a regular basis (haHAHAHAH) and edit for hours on end.

"Babe?" You called to him.

"Hm?" Was the only response you got, he was focused and nothing could stop him.

"You wanna play Mario Kart?"

"I can't right now, why don't you ask Phil?"

"He's editing as well, please take a break? You've been editing for ages now" You complained, picking yourself up and walking back to your room, where he was. "Dan"

"Y/N" He copied your tone, dragging the middle of your name.

"You should take a break, please?" You flopped down onto the bed, so you could look over his shoulder. The shot he was editing now, included multiple shots of alcohol, as every Internet Support Group does.

"Y/N, you know I have to get this done. When I'm finished or maybe before." You went back into the lounge, and laid there, until you heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

"What are you doing?" You wanted to know.

"You cracked me" Dan said, looking down at his feet and back up at you. Grinning from ear to ear, you said



"I'll bet I can beat you this time" Running to grab the controller, Dan slipped on his socks, falling face first. Crying with laughter, you walked over to help Dan up, him laughing as well.

"I'm not going to let that happen, Sweetheart." He said, putting a deep tone on the nickname. Let's just say, you won, and Dan did not like that.

Phil has another video to edit. How? He does upload regularly, but he can't have at least five videos to edit per week. Why does he have to edit all the time? And I understand it's so he can pay the bills, but it seems as though we never get to hang to anymore. I walked out into the lounge from our room to see both him and Dan in there, Dan playing Overwatch.

"Y/N, Hi baby," Phil said, looking up the slightest.

"Hi Philly. What are you doing?" You said, sitting down next to him.

"Editing this video to go up next week. What have you been doing all alone?" He turned his head, moving his laptop and embracing you.

"Tumblr, as usual. Hey to you too, Dan." You said, and he waved behind his back, too focused on the game. "When do you think you'll be done? I was wondering if you wanted to go get some frozen yogurt."

"Aw, babe. I'd love to, but this video has to get done today. Maybe if I finish in time" You nodded and walked out, back to your room full of boredom.

Another hour passed by and you were hungry, so you headed to the kitchen, stopping by the lounge to see what was happening. Both were still in the same positions as before, not moving.

It wasn't for another fifteen minutes that Phil walked in, phone in hand, and said,

"Hey, get up. We're going to get some frozen yogurt" He tapped your leg, walking over and checking to make sure his hair was in place in the mirror.

"Wha- I thought you had a video to edit?" You asked, a little confused.

"Nah, my baby is more important. Plus, I've been editing so much that we haven't been able to hang out. Now come on! We gotta go! Dan asked if we could pick up his girlfriend on the way" He smiled and walked out, waving you on. Best fro-yo "double date" ever.


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