19- request

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32- Shut up and kiss me you dork.
43- I really like your face.
Dan told Phil he likes Y/N and is nervous to ask her out, and when he does, he messes up.

*dans P O V*
"How Phil? How am I supposed to ask her out? I mean, have you seen Y/N! She's gorgeous and I look like a buttered potato!" I put my face into my hands, rocking back and forth on Phil's bed.

"Dan! Get yourself together! If you love her enough and she does too; which she does so don't even go there, everything will be fine. You just have to muster up the courage to do it!" He shook my shoulders. I nodded and got up, turning around to a smiling, thumbs up Phil before heading to the lounge.

And then there she was, sitting on the sofa, watching her favorite tv show. Even when she wasn't trying she still was beautiful.

Alright Dan, you got this. Don't fuck it up...

"Dan, hey! What's up? You look worried..." She turned towards me, pausing the Netflix.

"Um... well, Y/N. I, uh... I really like you- your... face!" I stuttered.

Well done Dan, you completely fucked it up.

"Dan, I know how you feel, and how nervous you are to ask me out is the cutest thing. Were you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?" I nodded, causing her to grin from ear to ear.

"That's all I was trying to do, I even asked Phil for help."

She laughed, lacing my fingers with hers, and said,

"Shut up and kiss me you dork." 7 words. 7 syllables. 22 letters. I never would have thought that's how I came to have Y/N as my girlfriend.

it's super short,, im sorry!!

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