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11- You've changed your mind more times today than Tyler Oakley has his hair!

(He gets jealous)

im s o sorry this is late 😭 i thought 'did i have anything else to write?' and saw this and was like 'S H I T !'

longer than most?? and a actual preference for once!!1!

You were out in a park in L.A. , as today was your day off from VidCon, and you had an hour or two before Disney. Dan suggested the park, oddly enough, but also claimed it as an excuse to go and get Starbucks. Hands intertwined together, you walked through the door of the coffee shop, bells jingling above you. The barista automatically noticed you, but not your hands. Walking up to the counter, you began to place your order.

"Hi! Can I get a Peppermint mocha?"

"And i'll take the same" Dan added.

"Alright, can I get a name for that order?" The barista looked your age, with blonde hair and the greenest eyes you'd ever seen.


"That'll be $6.87 and your number." He smirked. Dan's face automatically flipped. He took this moment to grab your face and press his lips to yours.

"I suggest you back off of my girlfriend before you regret you even said that." He said, his voice low and scratchy. You were shocked, to say the least, at his jealous actions and didn't quite believe he would act on his word.
After quickly paying, apologizing, and leaving, you finally spoke to Dan about his little 'fit'.

"Dan, please explain what the actual hell happened back there?" You said, arms crossed and face stern.

"He was obviously checking you out, and even so, how did he not notice our hands?" He huffed, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes wanderingg everywhere but on you.

"Dan! You've changed you mind more times today than Tyler Oakley has his hair! First you're mad at Phil with the straightener, then all giddy when we go to the park, now this? What's gotten into you?"

"Just now, jealousy. He seemed so douchey and he was fuckboy material. I got so overprotective of the one girl who has actually accepted me that I couldn't handle myself. I'm sorry, sometimes I can't even control my actions." He sat down on the nearby bench, his face resting gently in his palms.

"Dan, baby, I understand. You have no idea how badly I want to slap the girls that flirt with you. It makes me think I could lose someone as amazing as you. Sorry for lashing out. I just didn't know what was wrong and I wanted to help." You sat down next to him, wrapping your arms around his torso.

'I love you' is appropriate when the time is right. When you're going through rough times, during late night conversations, international Skype calls, and other times.

"Hey Dan? I love you, a lot." You mumbled into his shoulder.

"I love you too, baby girl."


Dan and Phil had just finished their American leg of tour, right at the end of VidCon. They had planned a big gigantic party for most of the youtubers there.

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