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bath bombs!! i feel like this is the cutest thing ever

(insp. by a phan one-shot i saw on tumblr, i forget by whooo)

basically it's you two taking a bath (not anything smutty, soz) and you're both v relaxed and comfy and it's vvv cute (DONT ATTACK ME THIS IDEA IS HELLA CUTE)


"Dan, Phil, I'm back!" you yelled through the flat. Immediately footsteps could be heard from a mile away as the two ran down the stairs from the office into the kitchen where you were currently.

"Hi baby." Dan smiled, kissing your cheek and swiftly moving over to the food in the bags you had just brought home from the store.

"Y/N, what is this for?" Phil looked confused, holding the lush bag you had just brought home.

"It's my bath bomb, I plan to use it later" You smiled. Sometimes, Phil acts like a five year-old and it was the cutest thing. "Now, if you two want to unpack some of those groceries, I'm going to make dinner."

"And what is that?" Dan crossed his arms, leaning back against the counter.

"Fettuccine Alfredo" You looked satisfied after Dan laughed and agreed to the choice.


After dinner, which was very delicious, you had decided it was a good time for the bath bomb.

"I'm going to the bath, be sure to have a game picked out by the time I'm done." You peeked around the corner as you turned to walk to Dan and your's shared room.

Picking up your clothes off the bed, you started towards the bathroom, only to be stopped in the doorway by Dan.

"Care if I join?" He smiled, innocently and not meaning for it to sound sexual.

"I'm wearing my bikini then." You smiled, turning back to your dresser to grab it.


"C'mon Dan, I've been waiting half a fucking hour!" You yelled from the bathroom.

"I'm coming!" His footsteps were like an elephant's as he ran towards you. "Alright, lets do this."

He leaned over you, sitting on the side of the tub. Gently you placed the purple ball into the tub, watching it twist and fizz. Dan took the advantage of your focus and placed small kisses along your shoulder lovingly. Leaning back, you began to speak.

"We should probably get in now." You whispered, excitedly. Already both in your swimsuits, you let Dan get in first so you could sit in between his legs. The bath was purple, with specks of glitter everywhere that shimmered when the water was disturbed. Every couple of minutes or so, Dan would lean forward and whisper a compliment into your ear, and with no explanation. Dan had this very soft, affectionate five year-old side that rarely came out, but when it did, it was always a good thing. The rest of the bath was spent with Dan's head nuzzled into your neck and your eyes threatening to flutter shut.


"Y/N! Your fanmail is here!" Phil ran through the lounge door, his glasses still on and his hair slightly misplaced. He put on a posh announcer accent as placed the boxes down. Time for another Fanmail Thursday video.

"Thank you Sir Phillip! Care to join me for this video?"

"Absolutely, M'Lady." He bowed and ran off to put his contacts in and change. "Let's do this!" You heard as he ran back down the hallway.

"Hello my lovely people, and welcome back to my channel! Now today is not your normal Thursday video. No, today we are joined with the one and only Adam Sandler! ...Just kidding, I wouldn't film with him. We have Amazingphil!" Phil waved and giggled at the joke.

"Hey guys!"

"So, you know the drill. You guys send me fanmail for some reason, and I open it! Simple. Ready, Phil?"

"Let's do this."


"Alright, we've unpackaged all of the mail you sent me and, wow, this is the biggest pile of stuff I have ever seen. Thank you, to everyone. Now, normally these videos are about twenty minutes long? This on will be at least forty-five."

"We better get started or Dan will have to join us."

"Okay, first up we have this absolutely stunning picture Emma has drawn me, thank you!" You were astounded by the talent your viewers had.

"I have this package from Justin that says 'A special treat that really is "the bomb" '. Y/N, your viewers are sending you bombs should we call A&E?" You smacked his arm lightly and he began to open it. "A bath bomb and some Bath and Body Works stuff from America! Thank you Justin!"

Most of the fanmail was opened as two hours passed by, the filming was done and you decided it was time to clean up. Not the mess, but use the bath bomb.

"Phil! If you want to see this bath bomb, get in here!" You yelled from the bathroom, and his heavy footsteps were almost immediate.

"Okay, i'm here. You can drop it." Trying to be careful, you gently put the small ball into the water. It automatically fizzed, spreading glitter and black coloring throughout. You couldn't recall the name of it, but it seemed so familiar. It smelled of strong citrus and apples, with a slight mix of some berries. The water looked so mysterious, to compensate for the smell. You began to get in, just your swimsuit on your body, but Phil wanted to get in first. So, you allowed him to quickly change and slip in, finally letting you get in as well. The glitter swirled around you as you settled into Phil's chest. Baths were a very uncommon and rare thing for the two of you, but they were always special.

i dont really like Phil's but oh well :(:(:(:

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