30 // when - dodie

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carry on

When- dodie


Pastel!reader is thinking about how she won't be 16 forever and is deciding whether or not to date Punk!Phil because he's too intimidating.

I think i've been telling lies, cause i've never been in love

School. A time of day you dreaded, but loved. Earlier in the day, during physics, you had caught Phil Lester staring. Y'know, the intimidating guy at the back of the class? Yeah, him. Staring at you. He was the complete polar opposite of you. Piercings, tattoos, dark hair. You, on the other hand, had two piercings, no tattoos, and the lightest blue hair. But, he still stared.

Everyone falls for the sunshine disguise, distracted by who they're thinking of

After class, when you walked out, Phil decided to pull you to the side, trapping you between his arms.

"You. Me. Date after school? Meet at my car." You just nodded and sheepishly smiled, not knowing his next move. He was intimidating, but his eyes were so soft. Almost as if he had built up a shell to block out something or forget it. He leaned in to kiss your cheek, leaving you madly blushing in the middle of the hallway. Maybe, he wasn't as tough as he seemed.

I'd rather date an idea; something i'll never find

Further walking to your next class, you had found Dan, who was basically you as a male. Same pastel outfits, light hair, painted nails, the whole thing.

"I heard you talked to Phil Lester. How did that happen?" Dan was gawking as you sat down in the seats of the classroom.

"Oh, we didn't talk. He said about nine words, kissed my cheek, and left me to look like a tomato!" You looked up to see Dan staring wide-eyed at you.

Sure, i'll live in the moment, but i'm never happy here, i'm surrounded by greener looking time

"He kissed your cheek! Oh my God, Y/N, he never shows emotion. Ever. And he kissed your cheek the first time you talked? Excuse my language, but damn Y/N, he has his head over his heels for you."

"A punk going after a pastel. A bit fan-fiction-y don't you think?"

"If it is, it's the best fan-fiction cliché."


Am i the only one wishing life away? Never caught up in the moment busy begging the past to stay

"Phil!" You waved to him as you walked to his car in the back of B lot.

"Hello, Y/N. Get in." He half smiled and turned to open the door for you.

"Thank you! Um, where should I put my bag?"

"I'll put it in the back." There was a actual smile that looked pretty genuine to you.

"Where are we going?" You asked when he got into the drivers seat.

"That, my friend, is top secret information. Only the best of the best know what it is." You only frowned, thinking he was serious.

memories painted with much brighter ink, they tell me I loved, teach me how to think.


"But, since you are one of the best people I've met, I can share this so-called 'top secret' shit. Oops! Sorry, I know you don't like cursing." It was this that made you smile and crack out a laugh.

"Don't worry, it's fine with me. Where exactly are we going?" You giggled and blushed.

"A small coffee shop with some plants that your friend, Dan, I think is his name? Helped me find. He thought you would like it because it 'fit your aesthetic'."

"Oh my goodness, Phil, thank you! I've been wanting to go there forever but I haven't had the time. Oh wow, this is amazing. Like you!" It was his turn to blush now, and you found it to be a very cute aspect of his personality.

"Oh! How was school today for you?" You asked, innocently trying to start a conversation.

I'll take what I can get, 'cause i'm too damp for a spark

"Who are you my mom?" He laughed , but stopped when he saw you were serious. "It's just a joke, don't worry. Mine was the same as always. How about you?"

"It was so great! Dan and I got to finally sit outside for lunch and we haven't been able to do that for a while because of the weather. My grades have been going up and I'm finally done with exams. Oh, and i'm spending time with you. Everything is working out for me."

"That's nice to hear. Glad you're having a good day. And, it looks like we're here." He beamed at you looking proud of his date spot. He was, in every way, perfect to you. You stepped out of the car, and tried to discretely snapchat the beautiful array of flowers and large, light pink doors. "Don't worry, I don't mind if you take pictures." You were practically squealing with joy by then.

"Hi welcome to Café Doux Et Soigné, what can I get you guys today?"

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