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Phil- The two get in a fight, and Phil storms off. But, he returns with a balloon or helium and the two are much better after inhaling it.

"I just cannot believe you didn't text me or anything! I was worried sick! Where were you?" The questions belted from Phil's mouth as you walked through the door of the flat at 11:00 pm.

"I told you, I was at the parlor late! I told you I would be this morning! But, as always, you didn't listen!" You  groaned, stomping past Phil.

"Me not listening? What about you? Do you ever do anything wrong, Ms. Perfect?"

"Phil! It's not like that! I'm not saying I never do anything wrong, I know I do, but i'm saying you should've listened to me this morning! We had a ton of appointments!" You were a tattoo artist at the local piercing and tattoo parlor and loved your job, but sometimes Phil got a little too overprotective and suggestive.

"You know what, Y/N! I don't quite understand why you can't text me or something when I'm worried sick!"

"Phil! How many times do I have to say this! The tattoo sessions require my full attention, so no, I can't text you when you're worried." Your voice dropped to a low growl as Phil stormed past you this time, him heading towards the door.

"Y/N, I don't know what the hell your issue is, but all I wanted was for you to call. You could've had someone else call me from your phone and out me on speaker, for God's sake! Maybe we can talk this out when I get back."

"Phil!" You yelled, but the door slammed before the word could form on your lips. You groaned, contemplating the situation, and trudged back to the room next to yours. "Dan, I need your help. Again."

As usual, Dan was watching some anime on his laptop.

"Y/N. I heard the yelling. What happened?" He grabbed your hand, pulling you into a hug. Tears began to stream out of your eyes, like the dam holding then back suddenly wasn't strong enough.

"Why? Why do we fight? I remember when we all used to just sit around and talk about random stuff, but after I got the job..." Your eyes seemed to be run dry.

"Y/N. It's healthy for people
to fight in relationships. Just... don't let them control you. It's like when you deal with your anxiety, you can't let it control you." You nodded, curling back into Dan's chest and watching the anime on his laptop.

After about two episodes, you heard the front door shut and heavy footsteps pad up the halls.

"Um, hey, Dan. Do you mind if I, uh, talk to Y/N for a second?" He tilted his head a bit and Dan nodded. You stood up, turning back to look at Dan.

"Look, Y/N. I'm so sorry I lashed out at you. I was being too overprotective and I was worried about where you were. I... just, guess it was the fact that you worked at a tattoo parlor with a ton of better guys than me that scared me. I need to work on that. I'm sorry." Tears threatened to break through your eyes but you held them back, leaping forward to hug Phil.

"Phil, baby. No one at the parlor could replace you, trust me. They're all a bunch of stuck up people with ink in their arms and their butts on expensive car seats. You are the complete opposite and I love that. I love you." Phil leaned forward, connecting your lips together in less than a heartbeat. Smiling, you kissed back, until he pulled away.

"Um, I thought balloons would be a good idea to relieve ourselves of the things we've been through?" You gently placed a balloon in his hand.

"Sounds great." You smiled, going to a drawer in the kitchen and getting the scissors. You cut a small hole by the edge and immediately placed the balloon to your mouth, breathing in the intoxicating air.
"Did I do it?" Your voice came out squeaky and high, and Phil fell down from laughing so hard.

"My turn!" Phil grabbed the scissors and made his cut, struggling to breathe in the air.
"Okay, how does it sound?" He immediately giggled, eyes watering at his own voice.

"This was a much better idea than fighting," You said as you went to bring more air into your lungs.

a crappy update & im actually supposed to be doing my creative writing work but i wrote this anyway yw

also opinions on Catrific? everyone seems to hate on her for unexplained reasons (though there is a main one) but i honestly love her (DONT COME FOR ME)

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