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Soulmate AU


Whatever mood your soulmate is in, your veins turn that color and show through your skin. When you meet your soulmate, your veins glow.

**Dan bc i haven't done much with him bless his soul**

You had just moved to London, and moving into your apartment was not easy. Especially when your veins were always changing, pulsing, and even sometimes causing excruciating pain. Over the weeks your stuff was being shipped up, you saw multiple changes in your veins. One day they'd go from red to blue, indicating whoever this person was felt angry and sad. But your veins sometimes remained a solid color of black, for when your soulmate wasn't feeling anything. Every day it seemed your veins would remain black, but you've put it aside. People have always said,

"Your veins are black! That's so cool, why are you complaining?"

Those people don't understand, how their veins are always changing and yours aren't. But, everyday, you shake it off, continuing as normal. You were headed to your morning uni classes, and had stopped at a corner coffee shop to get a quick drink.

"One small caramel macchiato please." You said with a smile to the lady working at the counter.

"Could I get a name?" She smiled back, picking up a pen and a cup, marking the order.

"Y/N." After a minute or two, she had your cup of coffee out and ready to go. Thanking her, you walked out, looking down at your phone to check for notifications and walking onto the street. Before you could even take a step, you heard a loud male voice call out,

"Look out!" Running towards you, a guy grabbed your arm, spinning you straight into him. In that moment your eyes automatically floated down you your wrists. Nothing. Not your soulmate.

"Thanks for that, I didn't even see that truck coming," You said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Not a problem, didn't want someone like you getting hurt." He smiled and walked away, leaving you to walk on to work. Why was this mysterious person you called your "soulmate" so distant? Questions milled throughout your head, all through work, and after. On your way home, you lost track of your thoughts and dropped your papers, unknowingly.

"Excuse me miss?" You felt a light hand tap your shoulder, making you spin. "You dropped your papers..." He half-smiled, only to slow his speech and have his face turn to full joy. He was looking at his wrist. Instinctively, you turned your head and boom. Glowing veins. Your wrist was feeling particularly tingly earlier on, and this was the explanation. Looking up slowly at the stranger in front of you, you spoke softly.

"Soulmate." You wrapped your as tightly around his neck, his arms moving to your waist, smashing your lips against his. The electricity between the two of you was strong enough to light up and entire continent. He was so gentle, his lips so soft, his arms so light against you, as if he was afraid he would hurt you. He was perfect in every way. Breaking the kiss ever so lightly, you rested your foreheads together, grabbing his hands. "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N to be exact." You smiled.

"I'm Dan, Dan Howell to be exact." He giggled, the cutest thing you've ever heard. "Would you like to come back to mine? I want to get to know you, plus my flatmate hasn't found his soulmate yet." He smiled.

"Sure, that'd be nice." He looked a little relieved after you agreed, and let go of one of your hands, then started to walk.

thank you guys SO MUCH for 6k, it means a lot ❤️
currently working on a Stranger Things AU but I will write a request in the middle, this one will be super long

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