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christmas baking (!)



5- Stop screaming or the neighbors will call the police again!
7- Kiss me.
13- Back off, yeah!
32- Shut up and kiss me you dork.
39- For God's sake!
40- Don't make me start quoting Twenty One Pilots.
41- What're you gonna do about it, huh?
50- I'm never leaving your side.

"Grab a stocking, throw some tinsel all over your house and get ready for Christmas baking!" Phil said grinning. "But, I'm not going to be doing this alone! You've probably read the title and said, 'Phil, you're not baking with Dan? Who will you bake with?' Easy answer. Intro my glamorous assistant!" He did jazz-hands and pointed towards you, making you giggle.

"It's me again, are you tired of me? You probably are, alright!" You clapped you hands together. Phil wrapped his arms around you feverishly, saying

"I hope not, we've been together forever and if they get tired of you, i'm not getting rid of you!" Giggling, He continued to start the video.
"Anyways, i'm using her since Dan isn't here, and today we're making mini Christmas cookie cheesecakes!"

"That's a mouthful, shall we give the ingredients?"

"I think we shall..."


"You will need..." Phil started.

"One pack, or make your own, of cookies that have some sort of Christmas tree on them." You started off, the two of you switching back and forth giving ingredients.

"Two packs of cream cheese, softened, obviously."

"Two-thirds cup of sugar."

"One-fourth cup of half-and-half."

"What even is 'half-and-half'?" You asked, he shrugged.

"I don't even know nor want to know."

"A singular table spoon of vanilla extract, no more and no less."

"Two eggs, whoop-" Phil had somehow dropped one of the two eggs he was holding.

"Phil, how did you? Moving on! We then finally have three-fourths cup of frozen whipped cream."

"It comes in containers, yo." Phil threw his hands forward in gang symbol motions.

"Dont do that ever again, please."


"Now for the utensils!" Phil jumped into frame from the door, scaring you.

"Jesus, Phil! Scaring me won't make these cupcakes any faster!"

"Sorry... Kiss me?" Pecking him lightly on the lips, you began talking.

"You will need! A bowl, a muffin tray; have two if you want to double the recipe, a spatula, spoons; if you're us you need multiple, cupcake or muffin cups, and an electric mixer."

"Fun! To the baking!" Phil said, running out of the kitchen to get something.


Phil strutted back in with a cactus pff of the mantelpiece and was holding it as he began talking.

"First you need to preheat your oven to what your recipe calls for. Ours is using 176 degrees celsius or, if you live in America, 350 degrees fahrenheit." He added a fake accent on the end.

"Phil, please stop, and put the cactus down, oh my God."


"Then get out you're muffin or cupcake cups, put them in the tray, and place your cookies into them!" You threw the cupcake liners in the air, luckily still in the plastic wrapper.

"Then bake as directed!"

"And then get out your other bowl and your cream cheese, sugar, half-and-half, and vanilla and put that in your electric mixer and beat that up."

"But don't hurt it because #alllivesmatter." (IM SORRY)

"Phil, I told you to stay away from those memes, they're bad for your health."

"Back off, yeah?" He giggled. "Anyways, while we are beating we need to add in our eggs in and evenly beat it in." He almost dropped another egg, but luckily didn't, somehow. And add your batter you just made over your cookies in the tray."

"Then bake for 21 to 24 minutes but do not burn them. Ever."

"Calm down, Y/N they won't burn the cupcakes."

"I just thought about the time, we have to wait almost half and hour? I don't want to!"

"Well you kind of have to. Baking interlude session!" You two danced for Phil to edit in later and then went to finish the episode of Yuri!!! on Ice you had started. Then the timer went off.

"My time is here!" You screamed, running down the hallway.

"Oh my God Y/N, Shut up and kiss me" He grabbed your waist, pulling you close to him and smashed his lips against yours, full of passion and pure happiness. You had to lightly push on his chest to break from his trance.

"The... cupcakes..." You whispered and spun around to grab the oven mitt. Once the door was open the entire flat began to smell of sweet vanilla and sugar.

"It smells so good in here, almost as good as me..." You smacked his shoulder lightly, turning to put the oven mitt back.

"Stop it. Don't make me start quoting Twenty One Pilots." You joked, heading to grab the whipped cream. He caught you by your waist again, twirling your body into his. His mouth was right next to your ear.

"Oh yeah? What're you going to do about it?" He spoke so softly, so delicately, you could only shiver in response. He kissed your forehead and let you go, allowing you to finish off the video.

"There isn't much decoration to it, just putting the whipped cream on top, and then a cookie! Then all done! Taste test now or later, Philly?"

"Later, we just ate a huge thing of popcorn. Put it on your vlog channel!" You nodded and helped him do the outro.

~later on that night~

"Thanks for joining my video, you're kinda fun to hang out with, we should go out sometime..." He said into your neck, nuzzling his face into it.

"Wow, Phil. You're hysterical."

"I am, I know. But on a more serious note, I want you to know that I am never leaving you're side. I love you so much."

"I love you too."


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