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Sam's POV
Wow, I'm surprised that actually happened. She seems so strong. I love her. I always have but there's no way I could ever tell her. I had a chance and I ruined it.

Ray's POV

After the talk that we decided never happened, We went downstairs and once again to see what everyone was up to.

The guys decided to meet up with Jenn and Andrea at the mall or something.

I've met Jenn and we are good friends but I've never met Andrea.

Apparently she is dating Kian or some shit.

I decided I was going to vlog today. I'm really starting to get into this youtube thing. Maybe I could be a Viner too. Like the MagCon guys.

I mean I bet so much is gonna happen today. I might as well.

We drove to Andrea's place, I think.

The guys got out of the car and I followed them to the building.

I walked next to Jc behind everyone.

Once we got inside we saw Jenn who I already knew and the other girl who I am assuming is Andrea watching Tv.

Andrea ran straight up to Kian and hugged him. She then looked up at him and pecked his cheek.

Eww, too much PDA around here.

I walked over to Jenn who still had her eyes glued to the tv.

She was watching some sappy looking movie.

I touched her and she didn't even flinch; I poked her in the face this time and she didn't even notice.

I decided on kicking her off the couch.

With no warning whatsoever I kicked her right below the ribs making her fly off the couch.

"OWWWWW WHAT THE FUU..... RAYYYY!!!!!" She screamed getting up to hug me.

She hugged me as I just sat there awkwardly waiting for her to stop.

Eventually, she stopped hugging me and I regained personal space.

I got out my phone and filmed.

"Hey guys we just got to Andrea's place and I'm here with Jenn and were gonna go out to eat so yeah that's that," I said ending the video.

Soon the guys finished talking and we left to get lunch.

"Where are we going?" I asked facing the fact we were walking but I have no clue where we are.

"We are going to some diner place that Kian wanted to go to." Someone said probably, Connor.

I noticed Trevor and Ricky weren't here.

"Where are Trevor and Ricky?" I asked.

"They went to go get you guys birthday presents now stop asking so many questions," Sam said.

"Okay," I said, jokingly raising my hands up in defense.

Finally, we arrived at the little diner cafe place thingy.

We all walked in and sat at a giant table and waited for a waiter to come.

I sat in between Kian and Jc.

"Hello my name is Jerry and I will be your waiter today. Can I start you all off with something to drink?" He asked.

Everyone said their drinks and I got a diet coke.

No not cause it has fewer calories; it just tastes better.

We all sat and talked as we waited for our drinks.

If you're wondering what we were talking about, it was about Myself, Kian and Sam's life back at home and what we used to do.

Yeah kinda boring. We were just telling stories about when the guys and I used to get in trouble.

Basically we were idiots as you probably would guess.

One time Kian and I had gone to Sam's house after school and we all went out from Sam's house to go to the gas station or some shit and well obviously is being us did something stupid.

There was this impermanent fence thingy that you put down as a marker where your fence is going to go and obviously Sam thought it would be funny if we tried to kick the fence down.

Some old guy saw us and we got arrested.

I think that was the first time we all ever got arrested.

The guy got us our drinks and asked us what we wanted.

I got me some pizza. And yeah I got a full pizza. Why wouldn't I?

Everyone else ordered their food and yeah.

After lunch, we all left the restaurant.

Once we left, we all just stood outside not really sure of where we were going to go.

After a few seconds, we just started walking, unsure of where we would end up

We walked to the mall and decided to shop. Most of everyone decided to get me a birthday gift. Another thing of why I hate birthdays is the gifts. 

Jenn got me a pair of vans; Andrea got me some weird makeup set thingy, And Connor got me basically a mini wardrobe.

Kian and I never get each other gifts, we still haven't seen Ricky or Trevor, Sam didn't get me anything which I am great full about and Jc won't show me what he got me.

What's the point of getting me something if you won't tell me what it is. Like what the fuck? It's my birthday. Now give me the fucking present. I know that sounds super hypocritical because I just said I don't like presents but it's mainly because I hate surprises. I also hate gifts they make me feel like I can't afford stuff on my own.

After shopping, we went back to the O2l house and watched Netflix.

We were watching teen wolf and I fell asleep that's the last thing I remember.

Rebel Lawley // Kian Lawley's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now