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The next morning, I woke up with the help of Trevor or more as they all sent him in my room to wake me up because they were afraid of getting hurt.

"Trevor I have a plan," I said once I was sort of actually awake.

"Okay shoot." He said.

"The plan is you scream in pain and drop to the floor with a loud thud," I said.

Well, what is the point of this you may ask well they are annoying, easy targets and they made the youngest, little one (I may say) try to wake me, a monster, up.

He jumped as I did to make a loud noise then he screamed.

As he got to the ground I got my knife and poured some of my pizza sauce from one of the boxes sitting in my room onto Trevor's head and my knife.

I hid in the corner as we heard the boys walk upstairs.

I got down on the ground and pretended to be traumatized.

"Ahhhh!" Ricky yelled as he got into my room.

Once he saw me in the corner he pretended not to be phased but his slow backing away kinda made his plan fail.

Everyone else soon rushed in and saw the same thing.

"Ray what happened!" Kian yelled at me.

I stood there in hissed.

He tried to yell at me again but they wouldn't let him.

"Let me talk to her," Jc said taking a step closer to me.

"I hope you know that's just going to get you dead," Sam said stating the obvious

"Well maybe she will listen to me," Jc said still slowly walking towards me,

I hissed again.

I can't believe Trevor has managed to not move for like 5 minutes straight, with pizza sauce on his head.

"Why would she listen to you? My sister has officially gone psycho and poor Trevor, he didn't deserve this." Kian said on the verge of tears.

"But I love her!" Jc yelled. 

"Okay you blew it," I said getting up and throwing my knife at the door.

It went straight in and almost through the door.

If the blade handle wasn't there it would have cut a hole through some very important stuff.

Trevor got up laughing.

"That's not funny. It was just cruel." Ricky said as Kian hugged me probably glad that I was okay.

"Okay, it was kinda funny Rickard. Now take my bags to the car, you peasant." I playfully demanded.

"As you wish but it's also cool to hear you and Jc are a thing." He said grabbing my bags.

Woah I'm surprised he actually took them.

"Um were not," I said looking at Jc. I feel so bad for saying that but seriously. We barely know each other and he just confessed his love for me.

Everyone else immediately looked at Jc.

"Umm." Jc said awkwardly.

Sam then laughed and walked out of the room. All of the guys follwed in Sam's steps leaving my room.

Once I was done with, that I texted Alexis while I walked downstairs to get something to eat.

R: I'll be there in 20

A: k

R: eat before

A: k

R: is that all u say? lol

A: no

R: great u can say no too

A: I can say supercalafraglisticexpealladotuis

R: great. see you later

A: bye

*End of messages*

Once I got downstairs, I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it while I played games on my phone.

Soon we left to go pick her up.

Obviously we don't have the brains to take multiple cars so this didn't work out well.

Ricky drove, Connor sat shotgun, Trevor and Sam sat in the middle and me Kian and Jc sat in the back but obviously the forced me to sit in the annoying stupid middle seat.

Once we picked Alexis up she just awkwardly sat on the floor by Sam and Trevor's feet.

Soon we arrived at the airport which sucked cause there were Sooo many fans but obviously none of them knew me so I just stood there. At least this time it wasn't as awkward because I have Alexis to talk to.

Soon, all of the girls left and we got on our plane.

I sat next to the window, Alexis next to me and Kian farthest away.

Other than that everyone was spread apart at opposite ends of the plane.

I started listening to Green Day then I put my headphones on and fell asleep...

"Ray, Ray, Ray, Ray wake up." I heard as Alexis was shaking me.

Oddly enough, even though I was sitting in a chair I managed to kick her.

"Ray wake up and stop hurting your friends. They need us to get off the plane, like now." Kian said.

I opened up my eyes and slowly woke up.

Kian grabbed my bags and we all walked out.

Once we got out I made Kian carry my stuff until we got into the van and got to the hotel

We had 2 conjoined rooms with 2 beds and a pull-out couch.

In my room, I got one bed and Alexis got the other one. Connor was on the couch and Kian was on the floor.

And in the other room, Sam got a bed, Trevor got the other one and Jc got the couch.

"Okay, so now what are we going to do?" I asked.

"Well I mean it's like 12 here, so I don't know," Kian said walking into the room followed by the rest of the guys in his room.

"The event doesn't start until 3 so we are supposed to be there at 2:20 at the latest," Jc added.

"Well first we should start off by letting me know who these people are that I willingly flew away from my home with regarding the fact you could be rapist murderers that kidnap me then rape me and leave me here to die," she said not changing emotion in the slightest bit.

"Okay, well, I'm Kian Lawley, Ray's brother that's way cooler than her," Kian said.

I punched him cause even he knew that that wasn't true.

The guys continued to go around a circle saying their name and stuff about them.

"I'm Jc, I'm from Texas and I'm way cooler than Ray's brother." He said.

"Jokes on you, she doesn't have a brother. Just me...oh shit wait you were talking about me." Kian said face-palming himself. I get why he really is the dumb one.

"I guess I got the brains," I mumbled to myself.

Sam heard me and laughed.

After the rest of the introductions, we went out for an early dinner.

Afterward, the guys had their meet and greet and actual event thing and that while time Alexis and I just chilled.

Soon we got back to the hotel and fell asleep.

Rebel Lawley // Kian Lawley's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now