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We got to the mall and went to our first stop, the apple store.

There I got the latest iPhone and we set it up.

Everything on my old phone was transferred over to the new phone. As I waited for Jc to stop messing with the apple worker, I deleted old contacts of friends and pictures that I would like to avoid and never remember. He paid for the phone saying it was the least he could do. I'm really glad he did because I only had a few hundred dollars. I remember iPhones costing nothing and this little thing was almost $500,

Soon, I left and Jc went into some new store that I had never heard of.

While he did that I went to the guy to have him track down some people.

"I need three people looked at," I said.

"Okay. Three people is $50" he said.

I handed him 50 bucks that I found In Kian's room.

"Names?" he asked.

"Alexis Martin, Dakota Gumphrey, and Cole Carter," I said.

He immediately started searching up names.

After that, he gave me a piece of paper with a reachable number for Alexis and addresses.

As suspected Dakota Will and Cole were all together and hopefully the rest of the gang is still with them.

He was only able to give me addresses so I have no clue where they really are.

Soon, I found Jc and we went to get a late lunch before we left again.

We went and got Chick-Fil-A from the food court. I ordered a large chocolate milkshake and a large fry. That was something I definitely missed.

We just talked until we got bored and went home. We talked about more of the things I had missed while I was gone and basically everything. Jc had to reassure me Dom was a good guy. He said the douchey-ness was just an act.

When we git back Kian just happened to be on the couch in the apartment.

"Just so ya know I took your sister to the mall while you were out doing whatever the hell you wanted to," Jc said

"Why did you take her to the mall?" Kian asked taking another sip of his drink.

"Hey dipshit, remember I can't fucking drive legally," I mentioned.

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot about that." Kian said not sounding like he actually cared.

"Okay um where were you though? You were gone for like a whole day?" Jc questioned.

"I was gone doing stuff and that's all that matters." He said.

"Okay, well, I'm bored," I stated.

"What could we do about that?" Kian asked.

"I don't know film a youtube video saying I'm back," I said.

We ended up filming the most awkward 'welcome back video of all time' Honestly, I was more interested in my phone realizing I could contact all of my old friends.

After the video was over I texted Alexis.

R: Hey Lex, it's Ray

A: Oh wow

A: How are you?

R: Better I guess. Sorry I couldn't talk sooner

A: all cool. are you okay

R: Sorta, I could die any second

R: How are you?

A: good. I'm a junior at ucsb

R: cool. we should meet up 

A: def. I miss ya

R: u too glad to know that ur alive

*End of messages*

After that, I made a video for my unactive youtube channel.

"Hey guys it's Ray, I'm back for right now. A lot of stuff happened and I don't really want to talk about it but I'm fine now so I hope you guys had or are having a good day. And that's it, bye. Like and subscribe if you want." I said then uploaded it.

For the rest of the day, I sat around doing nothing until Kian and Jc decided that we all were going to go out for dinner at a nice place in celebration of my return.

Basically, I was forced to dress nice and eat fancy food instead of getting to wear pajamas and eat pizza while watching avengers.

I put in black skinny jeans and the nicest shirt I could possibly ever find or own ever.

I walked out to the couch where the guys were and saw their outfits compares to mine.

They wore black skinny jeans (I still don't enforce guys in skinny jeans) and collared shirts and  sports coats

"Okay take your niceness down a notch now I look shitty so go change," I said.

"No we are going to take you shopping," Kian said.

"I mean all if your clothes are like 50 years old." Jc said.

"It's fine, it's only like 3 years old and Jc you already bought me a new phone and we all know that I'm not paying you back," I said honestly.

"Yeah, I don't need you to pay cause having you here is enough for me." He said.

"Aww, how sweet but that's not gonna work to have me pay you back. I'm out of money as expected," I joked.

"Whatever. Come get in the car." Kian said and we walked out to the car and left.

We went to the mall and I pretty much just stood there while the guys picked out clothes for me to try on.

"Why so many clothes?" I asked them as they shoved 50 billion things of clothes in my hands.

"Just shut up and go try it all on," Jc said.

"I'm gonna put it on. I'm going to put it on." I said laughing to myself as I walked to the dressing room. I needed to motivate myself somehow.

Surprisingly, they managed to get my sizes somewhat right god knows I'm not even sure what those are anymore.

There wasn't much that I liked but I've come to terms with the fact I was going to have to deal. It wasn't 2013 anymore.

Soon there was a dress that looked like something a multi-millionaire would wear.

The dress was a light pink with sequins. It was a full-length slim dress with a v-cut in the back and a slit in the right leg.

I walked out of the dressing room and the guys just stared at me.

"You look gorgeous," Jc said.

"I don't need this, I hate dresses, this is very expensive and I look shitty in fancy clothes," I said.

"You need this. We are buying you it and we are going to go out for dinner at the fancy restaurant I promised." Kian said.

"No your not. It's not like your my dad or my older brother for that matter. We're twins and I say no." I said firmly.

"Well, you're living in my apartment so if you want to continue living there what I want is going to happen." He said.

I changed back into my clothes and they bought the outfit and some other clothes for me, forcefully. I guess I don't mind. Free clothes!

We then went back to the apartment and everyone changed back into fancy clothes and I had to put the dress on. I felt crazy. I don't think I've worn something this nice, ever. I don't think I've owned anything at all as nice as this.

Honestly, I did look good in this dress. I even put on some mascara I found in a box and did my hair. 

We then left for the fancy restaurant.

Rebel Lawley // Kian Lawley's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now