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"So when can you leave?" Alexis asked shoveling down the last bite of pizza.

"Hopefully by Friday if I don't die," I half-joked.

I don't think she thought it was funny. Whatever, I mean, I think I'm a damn comedian.

Soon, it got late and they left. 

The next 5 days sped by. The doctors had me doing some little workouts so they could monitor my heart rate and stuff. In my free time, I watched Netflix. I finished Stranger Things which sucks because now I don't know what to watch.

It was now Friday. I woke up early, I'm guessing I was too excited.

I messed around on my phone for a little bit until Harry came in.

"What's up my dude," I said cheerfully.

"Hmm, someone's in a good mood today," He smiled bringing me food.

"Any news from the big guys?" I asked him.

"You mean, will you get to leave today?" He said, "Not that I told you, but it's looking good,"

Fuck yeah! I'm going to get to live my life.

He sat and hung out with me for a little bit before getting pulled back to his real person job.

Since I've got to 'get on my feet' and be a 'functioning part of society' I decided to text Jay.

R: Yo

J: Wassup

R: Can you get me a job?

J: Lol how would I do that

R: Talk to the people from the pizza shop

J: You know I don't work there anymore right?

R: So?

J: And that's a little far for you to skateboard

R: I'll uber

J: Lol that uber will cost as much as you'll get paid

R: Shit

J: Sorry

R: Not ur fault I just turned 21 and I still can't drive

Well, that didn't help. I'm not even allowed to drive until January because of my probation so I can't even get a permit. This is bullshit. You do drugs like a few times and you get your license revoked. How the fuck does that even happen?

I decided to text the guy from the Cafe.

R: Yo

Q: Who is this?

R: Ray, from the cafe, the one who likes the Falcons

Q: Oh yea, whats up

R: Any chance you could hook me up with a job?

Q: You don't have a job

R: well I guess technically no

Q: Yeah I can try and talk to the boss.

R: Thanks so much, ur my savior

Alright now that I may have a job soon, everything is looking good.

I decided to try and write down some video ideas in my notes. I feel like an actual adult already!

Soon Kian and Jc showed up.

"Yo," Kian said barging into the room.

"Wassup," I replied with a smile in my face.

"So, is it true?" Jc asked sarcastically.

"That I'm married to Shawn Mendes? Maybe," I replied jokingly.

He gave me a pouty face.

"Ugh," I said, "Yes, I might be leaving today,"

His pout turned into a smile. 

"So Kian," I said getting his attention, "One of my friends is trying to get me a job at the cafe down the street,"

He nodded. 

"Ray, actually earning her own money?" Jc asked sarcastically.

"Not funny," I replied.  He really had to hit me in a hard spot.

Changing the subject, Kian suggested we play some Go Fish. Of course, we did. There really isn't that much to do here.

After a while, my surgeon came into the room with a couple of surgical interns behind him.

"This is it," I heard Kian whisper. I couldn't help but smile. Kian was just as excited as I was.

"Hey Ray," The surgeon said, "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good. Ready to go home," I smiled.

"Well, I guess that makes it your lucky day," He replied, "I just have to do a couple of tests and then you're good to go,"

Holy Fucking Shit. I'll actually get to leave today!

He then did a few quick things to make sure I was breathing good and then took some blood.

After about an hour, I signed some release papers and I was good to go! I said goodbye to Harry as we walked out and we left.

We got into the car and I yelled as loud as I could. I didn't say anything in particular bu tit just felt good to yell. I realize that I was only in the hospital for a little over a week and I was going crazy again. I was literally trapped in a mental hospital for over 2 years.

Jc laughed at me.

"What?" I giggled, "I think I was going crazy.. again. Can we get some food? Hospital food really fucking sucks,"

Kian nodded as he drove. He's being extra quiet today.

We jammed out to some old 90s early 2000s music as we drove. It was still a little difficult to breathe while we jammed but I understand why. Soon we arrived at my favorite place: Chipotle. coincidentally, Kian hates chipotle but I'm the one who just got new lungs so I got to pick.

I got a chicken bowl and basically shoveled it down.

Eventually, we went back to the house. 

"So now what?" I asked the guys. All I've been doing for the past week was Netflix, Uno and Go Fish. I can't believe I'm saying it but I'm getting awfully tired of all three.

"Kian and I were gonna film a video," Jc said.

"Am I invited?" I questioned.

Jc looked at Kian. 

"We couldn't stop you if we wanted to," He said. 

What the fuck? I thought he was happy I'm home. Now he's just being a dick.

I ignored his comment and went up to my room. I decided a nice shower was long overdue. 

I then changed and went to bother Kian and Jc. He was right. He couldn't stop me if he wanted to.

Rebel Lawley // Kian Lawley's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now