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I woke up not feeling good.

I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up.

I'm hoping that's cause I haven't had any drugs in so long that it's making me sick. Hopefully, I don't get drug tested by my parole officer.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked me.

"Yea I totally fine." I lied.

"I hope you know that your ability to lie has dropped a lot." He laughed.

"Yea I guess it has but honestly, I feel like fucking shit," I said sounding just as bad as I felt.

"Why do you feel bad?" He asked.

"I'm hoping it was the drugs, cause I haven't had any in so long but it might not be," I said.

"Well let's hope you're okay." He said sweetly.

I continued to throw up until I ran out of stuff to throw up.

Once I was done puking I changed and brushed my teeth.

"Are you good?" Jc asked me as I walked out of the bedroom area, whatever it's called.

"Yea I'm fine." I said trying to seem as 'okay' as possible.

But honestly, right now, I'd rather die than be here feeling this.

A few days have passed and nothing fun really happened besides that we all died our hair complements of me, the smartest person in the world.

"Are you still feeling really bad?" Connor asked me when I was getting my food.

"Honestly yes, but I'm not the person that matters at the moment this is o2l not Ray's problems." I said, trying to ignore him.

"Okay, but we should really have you see a doctor." He said.

"Doctors are evil." I said walking away with my pop tarts.

"Whatever." He yelled to already gone me.

I finished my pop tarts and we went to the meet and greet part of the event.

People actually wanted to meet Alexis and me so that happened.

"Ray we have a problem." Alexis said taking me off to the side.

"What?" I said breathing heavily. My breathing has gotten a lot worse than it used to be now it's super hard to breathe.

"This is the event my sister is going to." She said nervously.

"Go sit in the back for right now I'll ask the guys what to do." I added then we broke away.

I talked to the boys and they all said that se needs to stay away from people for this event so that nobody sees her.

I told her the news and she went and sat in the back.

I decided on sitting with her so she wouldn't be lonely.

We continued to talk and have a good time until my life turned upside down

I slowly lost the ability to breathe along with the ability to speak.

I was dying and I couldn't say anything.

I tried to shout at Alexis but now words came out. My vision got blurry and slowly my eyes closed.

Am I dead? Why can't I move? What is wrong?

Alexis POV

I don't know what happened she was slowly dying in me.

I think she was having a heart attack.

I froze in the moment and ran onstage to tell someone.

I sprinted out and yelled to the boys.

Obviously that was the stupid move because my sister spotted me. 

Luckily someone called 911 and she was immediately sent to the hospital.

We all got in cars and rushed there or well everyone but Sam and I because obviously they decided on pushing us into staying.

"Okay, sorry guys there will be a pause in the event it will be continued as soon as possible. No worries it will be back on soon," Sam said.

"But luckily you still have Sam," I said.

After I said that I ran offstage.

I immediately texted all of the guys to update us but no one had seen their phones.

Trevor's POV

Everyone is worried. Nobody had a clue what happened but it's safe to say Kian and Jc are taking it the hardest.

You wouldn't want to see this happen to any of your friends not to mention your sister.

I sat in the waiting room kinda awkwardly just looking at everyone's faces. The secret talent of mine, I can tell how someone feels just by a simple glimpse of their face.

Kian seemed like he wanted to die and Jc seemed super stressed.

Ricky and Connor were worried but not as badly for sure.

Soon a doctor called for Kian and he left.

Kian's POV

A doctor called me back and took me into a pretty much empty hallway.

"I didn't know if you would want all of those other people to know but your sister has lung cancer and various diseases probably caused by smoking. That's what the heart attack was from." The doctor said.

My face dropped the pretty much most important person in my life could die any second now.

"Am I able to see her?" I asked eagerly.

"I'm sorry, but not now. At the state, she is in. We will call notify you in a few days if you can." He said.

I yelled at him.


"I'm sorry sir but it is not permitted."

"JUST LET ME SEE MY SISTER," I yelled again,

I shoved the doctor and he called security on his Walkie talkie.

I continued to try to get to Ray's room wherever it may be until two big ass guys grabbed me and dragged me out of the hospital.

All of the guys went after me.

Ray's POV

NO, NO, NO. This can't be happening.

I hear people around me. None of the voices I recognize.

I try to open my eyes but they are glued shut. The same thing happens with my mouth.

I can't move.

I'm trapped inside of my own body unable to escape.

Rebel Lawley // Kian Lawley's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now