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I decided upon playing a quick game of COD.

My zombie murdering got interrupted by a nock on my door.

I got up and opened the door. Outside of it was Jc. He was wearing a pair of khakis and a navy blue sports coat with a white button-down.

"Ray," His voice dropped low, "You look beautiful,"

"Well, thanks," I said awkwardly.

"You ready to go?" He asked. 

"Yea one sec," I said turning off the tv. I then put on the heels and walked out of the room with Jc.

"So, where's Kian tonight?" I asked as we walked down the stairs.

"I think he went out with Corey and Jarrod," He said causing me to laugh.

"Really? No coincidence he's out with the guys when we're going out on a date,"

"Not at all," He chuckled.

We got into his car and drove off.

"So now, are you gonna tell me where we're going?" I asked in the car.

"Nah," He said turning on the music.

"Great," I said sarcastically and he took off.

After about 30 minutes we arrived at a restaurant called Republique

I felt a little overdressed but then again, For me, I am overdressed.

The restaurant looked super cool. It kinda had a VSCO vibe. 

We got seated at a table and a waiter brought us some waters and asked us what we wanted to drink. I decided it'd be best not to drink tonight. 

I looked through the menu for something good to eat. I couldn; pronounce most of the stuff on the menu. Not a good sign.

After a little while of awkward silence, the waiter came back to take our orders.

"Can I get the ratatouille and can I get a strawberry lemonade with a shot of vodka?" I asked. I changed my mind about not drinking tonight.

The waiter nodded and Jc ordered his meal.

"Strawberry lemonade with vodka?" Jc asked as the waiter walked away.

"Yup. If the rest of the night is going to go like the last ten minutes I'm gonna need it," I joked. 

We continued to talk while we waited for our food. Surprisingly, it was no longer like those awkward ten minutes.

Soon the food got to our table. 

"Wow," I mumbled.

"What?" He asked.

"That's not what I thought ratatouille is," I laughed, "I only ordered it cause of the movie,"

He laughed with me, "We can share," He offered. He had some sort of chicken dish.

I smiled.

About 3 drinks later, we were done our food. Jc paid the bill and we left.

As we were driving, I realized we weren't heading home.

"So where to next?" I asked.

By no surprise, Jc responded with, "It's a secret,"

I let out a heavy, fake sigh to be annoying and decided to play with the radio. I flipped stations until landing on my favorite: Shawn Mendes.

As Treat You Better blasted from his speakers we yelled along to the lyrics.

We listened to the radio for the rest of the drive until arriving at a small mini-golf place.

"Mini golf?" I questioned

"Close," He replied. What do you mean close? We were at a mini-golf place.

We went inside and Jc talked to the guy for a moment. He handed us a couple of clubs and two large buckets of balls.

"Driving Range," I then said.

"Oh yeah," Jc nodded. At this exact moment, he reminded me of Koolaid Man.

This was the highlight of the night, so far. Getting to sit and drive balls was kind of relaxing.

Of course, Jc had to teach me how to properly swing which was honestly much more comedic than romantic.

He put his hands on mine and showed me the motion but after leading me through it once, I went right back to hitting the ball as hard as I possibly could.We might have been better off at the batting range. (Don't forget I'm in a short dress and 3 inch heels)

Soon it was late and we headed back to the car. 

I was laughing at some stupid comment about the presidential election.

"Sorry dinner was a bust but I hope you had some fun whacking balls," He joked.

"Could've been worse. What made you pick that restaurant anyway?" I asked Jc as we made it back to the car.

"Well, you probably don't remember this but I first met you over Ichat with Kian. You were sitting on his bed singing along to a song by One Republic. It was actually Stop and Stare. And that's exactly what I did," He replied.

Wow. Fuck. I didn't know what to say. So I didn't say anything at all.

I kissed him.

A/N~ I can't believe it's the end!! Maybe a sequel is next?

Rebel Lawley // Kian Lawley's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now