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I woke up to my alarm blaring. I almost hit snooze before remembering I have to go to my second day of work.

I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was three fucking forty-five in the morning! I put in my earbuds and played some music while I got ready.

I grabbed a banana and ate a bagel before taking off on my penny board. I made it to the cafe right before 4:30. Someone I didn't know was opening. 

"Hey, I'm Ray," I said trying to be friendly, "I'm new,"

"Oh cool," The girl replied, "I'm Jess," 

She opened the back door and we went in. I put my penny board and earbuds in my little locker and pulled out my apron.

I struggled to tie it for a few minutes and then went to help Jess set up shop. She walked me through what to do when opening and soon it was 5. Another guy came in for opening and cleaned up some tables.

Slowly, people started to come. in and out. I took orders and gave food to tables for what felt like hours. The other guy who came in was the 'chef' or whatever. I wouldn't really consider bagels and eggs a chef but it is what it is.

Soon, to my surprise, Kian and Jc walked in. Gosh. I wonder how badly this will go? 

I brought a table their food before going to take their orders.

"My name is Ray, I'll be your waitress today," I said semi-sarcastically, "What can I get y'all today?"

"Y'all" Kian Mimicked.

"Bitchass," I mumbled under my breath.

They then ordered.

The whole time they were here, they were filming and causing a ruckus. I tried my best to get them to stop.

After a little while of them being stupid, Jess walked up to me.

"Do you know them?" She asked me.

"Nope," I lied, "Never seen them before in my life,"

"Well you have to get them to stop, or leave," She said to me with a serious tone.

"I'm kinda new at this. What should I do?" I questioned.

"Since it's a coffee shop this doesn't usually happen," She stated, "I guess, I would just give them a warning and if they don't stop, tell them to leave. Hopefully, It won't come to that but if they don't leave, you've gotta call the police," 

I sighed, "I'll get on it,"

I went over to the table to talk to the guys.

"Guys, you gotta stop, or leave," I whisper yelled at them.

"You wouldn't kick us out would you?" Jc gave me a pouty face. 

"If you don't stop I will," I added, "And I'm supposed to call the cops,"

"We'll think about it," Kian sassed. What the fuck. I mean seriously guys? This is my second day of work at a job I only got because of Kian. Let's be real, I was trying to milk this shit for as long as I could but I guess it had run out.

"Whatever," I mumbled before walking to help another table.

About ten minutes had gone by and the guys were still being assholes. 

Jess walked back over to me, "Now's the time," She said.

I nodded and walked over to the guys.

It's like they were ready. Jc had the camera filming me.

"You guys have to go, now. Or I have to call the police," I said.

"So you're saying we're being kicked out?" Kian smirked.

"Yes Kian, you are being kicked out. Please leave," 

I know this was just so they could get good clickbait. I bet they'll have a video posted later today titled "KICKED OUT OF RESTAURANT *GONE WRONG*"

Luckily they left. I really was trying to avoid any possible interaction with the California police, ever again.

As I waited on my other tables, I had to apologize to everyone for the disruption of the guys.

When I went by to clean up their table after a little while I noticed a fat tip on the table. It was a $100 bill. I'm still furious but at least they tried to do something nice out of it.

The rest of the day went by pretty easy, or well of being a minimum wage job with cranky people wanting their caffeine.

But soon, it was like 11:30 and I got ready to clock out.

By the time I got home, it was almost 12:30. Luckily, the guys weren't home because I think I would've murdered them both.

I made myself some ramen noodles and decided to watch some youtube while I waited for the guys to get home.

Of course, when they got home, I screamed at them. 

They sat and listened to me yell for a good twenty minutes until I ran out of things to yell about.

"Are you done?" Kian asked,

"Yes," I sighed.

"We're sorry but we were bored and it was fun," Kian apologized. I think that was the worst possible apology he could have done. 

"Whatever. I'm over it," I mumbled.

"We're going to a party later tonight if you wanna come," Jc added.

"Fine," I replied, "Only because I don't have anything better to do,"

"Great," Kian smiled, "We're leaving around 10,"

For most of the rest of the day, I decided to go out with Alexis.

Around, seven-thirty, we made it back to the apartment. She stuck around for a little bit and we watched Jurrasic World.

By the time she left the apartment, it was almost 9:30. I almost forgot about the party. 

I went up to my room and quickly changed. I decided upon a simple black, body-tight, dress. They didn't specify what kind of party it was so I figured I'd be prepared no matter what.

I did some light makeup and then straightened my hair. Or, well, attempted to. Doing my hair was never my strong suit.

Kian yelled up to me around 10:15 saying we needed to leave.

When I came downstairs, Kian was wearing Khaki shorts with a t-shirt, and Jc was wearing shorts and a hawaiian shirt.

We then got in an uber and left. 

Rebel Lawley // Kian Lawley's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now