Chapter 1: Going to Gakuen Alice

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3rd Person's POV:

※※※※※6 years have passed※※※※※

A girl with blue is roaming around the town carrying a writing pad and a drawing pad with one pen on her right ear wearing a black headphones . Your probably thinking why where did she get this things well she got her money from her deceased parents bank account.

She is in deeply thought on what is she going to do with her life now. She can't kill herself because of her parents hard work for taking care of her while she is in deeply thought she bumped into a person.

She quickly write on her pad and show it to the person she bumped ○Gomennasai○

Narumi's POV

The girl who I just bumped showed me her pad showing that she is apologizing but she doesn't express it at all. Her face is so sad and I can't even read her face on what's going on.
"Iie, Iie It was my fault for not looking on what I was going to." I told her politely but what reminds me that she doesn't talk and she looks familiar...

'Wait, Don't tell me that this girl is Yuki Megumi' I looked at her one more time and yes she is Yuki Megumi. She looked at me confusingly  and wrote something on her pad ○Ano... You seem to know me? Who are you?○ It says on the note. This girl is sharp. I sighed and I started introducing myself " My name is Anju L. Narumi , a teacher at the school called Gakuen Alice and I came to find you Megumi-chan." I winked at her and she looking at me weirdly ○A pervert just came out○ I was shot by an arrow after reading what she said.

"A-ahem, please don't call me pervert Megumi-chan, that is inappropriate to say to a teacher" After what I said she just stared at me with a poker face. I sweat dropped at her reaction and continued to the business " Ok, Let's go back to our main topic, Megumi-chan, I came to find you because you had an Alice and a very dangerous one so I came to put you on the Alice Academy where all Alice users are there" I explained everything to her and her expression became dark and wrote down on her pad.

○Narumi-san, what will I do at that school?○

"Oh my, that is a good question but I can't answer it" I said with a serious face and she just nodded.

"So, Meg- Iie, Mei-chan will you accept it?" She looked at me for a second and looked at the sky.

One thing I never thought that she will talk.

"I understand, Please lead the way" She said. Her voice is soft, cold and filled with sadness

※※※※※A few moments later※※※※※

Mei's POV:

We arrived at the gates of the school before dawn.

We were about to go inside the gates until we saw two mens talking to a girl who is just the same age as me.

The blonde teacher sighed walked towards the girl who is on the edge of kidnapping and one thing passed through my mind.

'She has the nullification alice just like me' The blonde teacher used his alice to the two kidnappers to shoo them away and also used it to the girl but It didn't work. That made Narumi-san confused.

I tugged his T-Shirt to make him look at me and showed my note ○She has an Alice, Narumi-san.○ He hummed in interest and talked to the girl who named as Sakura Mikan.

Narumi-san asked her if she wanted to enroll at the Academy and she happily accepted.

I was about to introduce myself to Mikan but an explosion occurred.

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