★Chapter 2: Decided★

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Mikan's POV:

I sat on a random chair and think of trying my best so that I can be with Hotaru.

"Hi, Nice to meet you" I cut off my sentence when the manga book fell off on his and i recognized who it is "IT'S PERVERTED MOLESTER" I shouted at him making everyone look at me.

Megumi's POV

"IT'S PERVERTED MOLESTER" Mikan shouted making everyone look at her and Hotaru look pissed.

"How can you do that to a girl!?" Mikan protests. I tried to stop her by holding her two hands but failed. "Apologize you morons." She shouted but she was out of my grasp. Now she is floating with her collar up.

"Watch what are you saying go Natsume-san." the boy said. I was having a weird feeling again 'what is this?'

"Please stop this." The class rep. said and another voice has entered "There is no need to stop" A worm have spoke out.

Natsume-san gestured the boy to put her down. I ran to her side to help her and I just realized that I was worried about her.

"What type are your Alices." The raven haired asked but I just kept quiet and Mikan pulled out a tongue at him.

Now we're both floating in air.

Koko read her mind about not knowing her alice and nobody told her. The worm said that it's unbelievable and insulted her.

'This is getting on my nerves.'

"That's enough..." I said it out loud enough for them to hear. Everyone looked at me in silence.

I used my Nullification Alice for us to stop floating and I landed softly on the floor. Everyone was shocked on how did I do that.

"That's enough? Ha? No way, you have to get out of this school you do not belong here" The worm said to me before I was gonna talk back Mikan beat it to me "No! Narumi-sensei said so I want to trust him and if there's anything you people more than others, It's your rotten personalities, Morons!!"

Everyone was shocked on what she said and I smiled at her.

The boy was angry and attacked but I stopped him on time with my alice. Darkness surrounds him while Hotaru was shielding Mikan.

"You people judge too much, It is one that I hated, You should've rot in hell." I used my voice again. I sighed and stopped my alice and talked again "If you wanted to find out her Alice the use observations skills not just judge and If ever you wanted to hurt her, I'll become your worst nightmare."

I glared at them especially at that worm hair.

I decided that I will protect the peoples who is important to me.

Mikan's POV

I was shocked what she said that to them. She protected me, I can't believe she protected me and I was happy about it, somehow It didn't feel like I am a stranger to her.

Natsume's POV

Megumi... This girl is interesting. I smirked and Ruka noticed It "What's wrong Natsume-kun?" Ruka asked me amd I answered his question "Nothings wrong."

3rd person's view:

After the break they had, they entered the classroom then suddenly Natsume talked "Oi polka dots I heard that you will be kicked out if you dont have alice."

Sumire laughed like stupid witch "What?" the brown haired girl was confused "You need to pass through the Northern Woods" Natsume said in a blank expression "Northern Woods?" Mikan asked while looking at Hotaru "That's impossible." Class rep. complained but Mikan has no choice but to agree.

But the Class rep. and Hotaru followed her towards to the Northern Woods.

Megumi? They already know her alice so Megumi was not allowed to come but that didn't stop her from worryingly.

Megumi's POV:

I didnt follow them because they already know my Alice "Yuki Megumi why aren't you following them." Everyone's attention crashed to me when Koko asked me.

I sighed "Because you already know my Alice." I answered his question making him nod "Wait! you need to follow them because you are included!" Wormy shouted near in my ear. 'This worm is really getting my nerves!' I didn't notice that my Demon Alice took action and broke the window glass. I looked at what happened. I sighed and got up from the chair.

○Wormy, stop shouting at my ear or else I might kill you○ I showed her my note and left the room to find Mikan.

Natsume's POV

Sumire shouted at Megumi near her ear then suddenly the window glass broke.

I was startled when that happened, my eyes were wide looking at Megumi while Permy was shivering after what Megumi showed to her and left the room to go the Northern Woods.

The teachers suddenly slammed the door when they heard the window glass broke "What happened!?" Narumi stated and he looked at the window with wide eyes "She is too dangerous." Jinno-Sensei asked and Koko answered "Well Sumire shouted at her near to the ear and out of nowhere dark aura were seen and she accidently broke the window." After the explanation of Koko.

Narumi sighed "We need to put her in restraints and Natsume be her partner to keep her in control" the blonde teacher said while I am just looking at him 'Interesting' I thought and I nodded to answer his statement.

"And she has a cousin here in this academy, It seems that she wasn't aware of that" he stated and the teachers were shocked while we were listening to their conversation. "She killed her family by accident, her Alice berserk and her parents tried to stop it but failed and died" Jinno-sensei explained.

All of them were silent as the teachers went to their offices.


[EDITED: September 23, 2017]

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