★Chapter 5: No star?★

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3rd Person's View

After she cried in the raven haired boy's shoulder she wiped of her tears and let him go from the hug.

The blue haired girl looked at where she cried and she scribbled down on her pad while panicking. The raven haired boy looked at her confusingly.

She showed her note pad while she was in her chibi form with tears

○Gomennasai, your uniform now is soak○

He chuckled at her cuteness " It's fine" the raven haired boy said while patting my head and stand up from the bed. "Also you can use your voice when we are alone, your voice aounds soothing." This is so shocking Mei never thought that this cold person is being softy towards to her.

"Naa, please don't tell this to anyone." Megumi pleaded while looking away from him.

The raven haired boy smiled at her and said "Hai, hai but on one condition." Mei-chan is now confused and just nodded.

"You need to smile more." The raven haired smirked and out of nowhere he kissed her cheeks.

The blue haired became flustered and held her cheeks "W-what the hell are you doing!?" She was blushing like a tomato while Natsume just smirked at her face.

Though something bothered him, he saw a red strand color of her hair.

Natsume's POV:

'Red hair? Did she dyed it? No it's impossible' I held out her hair to take a closer look "Naa, did you dye this red strand?" She looked where I was saying and her face became dark and scared.

"What do you mean? You are just imagining things, you need to go now, I have to change." She is pushing me towards the door "W-wai" I said but she already shut the door 'she is hiding something, I just knew it'.

Megumi's POV:

That was close, I sighed and looked at the red strand of my hair

'It's my Alice again, I need to keep it secret, I don't want anybody getting worried about me again'

I opened my closet and changed into uniform. Narumi-sensei just told me that this my room by whispering in my ear. After I was done changing I went out of the room and walk towards to the school.

I don't want anymore getting hurt just because of me.

※※※※ A few moments later ※※※※

Everyone, well not everyone celebrated Mikan on passing the Northern Woods.

'Where's Natsume?'

I looked around to search for the raven haired boy then I heard the door opened.

I smiled and turn around to see him but...

My smile turn into a frown, he was hurt and burn marks are all over his neck with his mask.

His knees had a scratch on it.

I went near to Ruka and Natsume showing what I wrote while I tilted my head side wards ○Natsume, are you alright?○ I was worried about him because I wanted to protect him also. "I'm fine, Mei." That wasn't the right answer.

I frowned at his lie answer but then Narumi-sensei clapped his hands to get our attention.

"Okay! Now everyone is here, I have an announcement for you guys." The blonde teacher informed.

"Mikan and Mei are the new students therefore, I'd like to announce their partners to guide them through everyday life♡." Mikan is exited about it but a I remained calm because I already know my partner but Mikan assumed that It was going to be Hotaru but Hotaru refused.

Mikan was depressed and sulk to my shoulder. I patted her back like a big sister.

"Since no one volunteered, I assigned them, Mikan's partner will be...

Luca Nogi!" Everybody is shocked but the blonde teacher continued.

"As for Mei-chan her partner will be Natsume Hyuga." This time they were still shocked but Natsume and I remained calm because we already knew it but the fan girls went rampage saying that it's impossible and etc.

The room is chaotic and the worm hair just started asking "Hey Sakura and Yuki, what's your star class?" I just ignored her but Mikan just argued to her.

"Unbelievable, you don't even what's star class" The wormy argued and shoved her my note pad ○It's normal for her to know because she is new here○ Wormy just huffed and Class Rep. explained everything to Mikan.

She was amazed and wanted to try hard.

※※※※ A few minutes later ※※※※

"Jinno?" Mikan asked while the other were panicking "He's  the Head Supervisor of the Elementary Division also he is our math teacher" Inchou explained everything to Mikan and the class started.

It was a dead silence only Jinno-sensei is talking and explaining the lesson but I saw a black board eraser flew towards Mikan and it hit her head  making Jinno-sensei look at her.

"Do you have any questions, new girl?" The pig tailed girl just said no but after that I saw a chicken at the back of Mikan 'This is getting out of hand!'

The chicken started talking "I love takoyaki Cochadoodle doo~! This class is-" Before it can say more thing I used my Ice Alice to freeze the chicken and it fell down onto the floor with a thud.

Though another thing came flying towards Mikan...

It is a trash can. I was gonna stop it but Mikan used her alice and made the trash can flee towards to Jinno-sensei.

"Class disruption, usage of Alice during class session. You've violated the rules new girl."

I stood up from my seat making everyone look at me. I will use my voice for her sake. "A-ano!"

"What is it? Yuki" I bowed down to him making him shocked "Mikan just accidentally used her Alice because out of nowhere there's a trash came towards to so..." I explained everything but he didn't accept it.

"There is no excuses to me so that won't work and you other new girl I decided on your star rank...

You are...

A nothing!" Mikan is doomed she became white after that but I asked him what's mine "Your rank was a Special Star, the principal told me that." All of them were shocked but I was not satisfied 'Why do I have always get the special treatment? I- I'm sorry Mikan...' I clenched my fist and anger was build up onto my body.


[EDITED: September 24, 2017]

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