★Chapter 4: My Pain★

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3rd Person's View

After all the incident from the Northern Woods, the blue haired girl fainted, affected by the alice of Mikan.

•••••• 3 days later ••••••

Megumi is in the room of hers but she doesn't know that it's hers. She hasn't woke up in 2 days while the pigtailed haired girl is sleeping beside her and the others always visit her.

Mikan' POV:

I fell asleep beside Mei but I woke up
for some reason 'Mei-chan please wake up' I thought, I noticed that I'm already crying 'Im sorry'

I apologized at my mind making my tears fall down in her hand.

"Mama, Papa I'm so sorry " I heard her voice while she is sleeping and she is sweating alot. I grabbed her hand with my two hands "Wake up Mei-chan please wake up" I pleaded at her and she started opening her eyes little by little. "I need to inform them" I mumbled and I stand up running towards the door to get out and inform them.

Megumi's POV:


I was playing in the garden while may parents are watching me with a smile on their faces.

But the scene changed into a burned house filled with Ices. I looked around and I saw my parents corpse laying down on a dirt.

I began to cry and fall into my knees while crying in pain and sadness.

"Mama, Papa I'm so sorry"

End of the Dream.

My eyes are opening up little by little and then I heard a familiar voice "Wake up Mei-chan please wake up" that voice is from Mikan and I heard her mumbling something but I can't hear it clearly and I heard her running and open the door.

I finally woke up and getting up from a king sized black bed and sitted on the bed 'My head hurts' I thought while I heard a bang from the door seeing my other classmates and one...

No two teachers.

"Mei-chan!" Mikan shouted and the others were relief that I already woke up and Mikan began hugging me tightly.

Narumi-sensei chuckled at the action of Mikan "Now, now, please go back to your class except for Natsume-kun" The blonde teacher stated and all of them awed but nodded and went to the classroom except for the raven haired boy.

Natsume's POV:

The pervert teacher told to the other to go back in class but except me because I was assigned to her partner.

I saw that she is now awake and sitted on the bed. I leaned on her bedrooms wall and watched the pervert teacher.

Out of nowhere I felt his presence coming from outside ' Persona' I heard his foot steps coming inside her room. I gritted my teeth and I didn't expect that...

He is holding a basket of restrainers 'No'.

Megumi's POV:

"I'm sorry Megumi but we need to put some restrainers to keep yourself Alice in control." the blonde teacher said with a hint of regret on his voice.

I just nodded not wanting to talk but then I heard footsteps coming towards here in the room.

I looked at the door and saw the raven haired boy leaning on the wall gritting his teeth 'Based on Natsume's face he hates him a lot' I saw a man with mask carrying basket.

I sighed and looked towards to the blonde teacher and he started grabbing the restrainers and slowly putting it in my ears, neck and hands

○There's too many of them, It's bothering me too much○

I shoved the pad to him as I looked at them while pouting 'Well at least they don't look that bad" I sighed and stand up from the bed looked at the mirror.

I checked all my restraints and my mouth formed an O because they looked cool on me.

The blonde teacher chuckled at my silliness and said.

"We should be going now, Natsume as her partner you need to accompany her." the blonde teacher stand up from the bed where he sat and  walked out of the room following with the man with mask but somehow he looked at me while smirking.

The door shut leaving the two of us

○Who is he?○ I asked the raven haired boy with my head tilted side wards

He sighed and stated his answer

"He is Persona the one who is handling the Dangerous Ability Class."

He started walking around while I sat on the edge of the bed "Are you going to be fine with that restrainers?" He asked and also sat beside me on the bed.

I never thought that this boy is worried about me. I wrote down on my writing pad and showed it to him.

○I'm fine with it, to keep my Alice in control○

I put down my writing pad and looked  at the bracelets that they gave to me.
He hummed at my answer and said

"Are you sure about that?" He's being persistent. I sighed and scribbled down at my pad

○Since when did you become worried about me?○ The raven haired blushed and looked away from me. "Can't just I be worried to my partner?" He said while hiding his blush.

'Tsundere just like Papa' I silently giggle and looked at his back.

He sighed and faced me "So, I was wondering why don't you talk? We already heard your voice once." That question is too personal. I can't just tell him my sadness and pain but I didn't know that I answered him with my voice honestly.

"I accidentally killed my family and destroyed our house just because of my Alice went berserk and I never thought that in the end they were smiling after what I did to them."

'What am I saying? I can't believe I just said that'

"I became traumatic, locked my emotions and decided that I will never talk but after all those years of not talking. I was able again to talk just because of her and I find it weird." I smiled at him while tears streaming down in my face.

He was shocked at first but he suddenly hugged me without asking me.

For the first time I feel warm and I feel like I'm going to burst into cry "Just let it out." He patted my back while hugging me "I know I can be cold sometimes but this time I'm being kind."

He felt my pain, I never knew he would do this to me but I'm happy, I'm happy that someone now knew my pain.

'Mama, Papa will you be happy as I'm happy now?'

'Mama, Papa will you be happy as I'm happy now?'

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[EDITED: September 24, 2017]

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