★Chapter 20: Snow White P3★

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3rd POV

After she came out with the outfit she was wearing their face were priceless, the girls came out shouting like fangirls do as they go near Megumi.

Her friends were laughing at her while she was being suffocated by fangirls. The blonde teacher clapped his hands to get their attention "Now, now, leave her be." The girls looked sad and released her. Megumi looked like she was going to puke while she glared furiously at her laughing friends making them shut up.

"Well, Mei I never thought you were this good looking even the boys are drooling at you." The blonde teacher says to the poor blue haired female while on the other side Natsume is glaring at the boys who is drooling at you.

"Please shut up, you good for nothing pervert teacher." That made the blonde teacher cracked into pieces while the others laughing their ass off. On the other side Mei noticed the Luca was blushing furiously as he saw her in that outfit. She smirked and decided to tease him "Luca-pyon, how do i look?~" That made all of them look at him wanting to hear his respond especially the raven haired boy making the blonde haired boy blushed more.

Mei just snickered patting his head "I'm just kidding." She left him still blushing.

Luca shook his head to remove the blush and looked at her from walking away ' You can't fell for her Luca!

After all...

She loves Natsume and loves her back'

Her brother noticed the raven haired boy staring and patted his back "Don't worry she has that in her blood." The raven haired was confused and her brother sighed "Flirting with others." This made Natsume pissed and punched him in the head. "Get lost."

Her brother sweat dropped 'That guy is totally jealous'

The play was 30 minutes late just because of the incident. "We're terribly sorry to have you kept you waiting, please take your seats and enjoy the show."  The curtain opened as the play started.

※※※※Time Skippu※※※

The play is near to the end and that's where the two main character kisses but knowing Mei she won't do it but the audience are watching so she had no choice.

The blue haired girl sighed and slowly nearing Luca's face as it grow near and they were about to kis--


The lights turn off and the play was finally over.

Mei's POV:

"You didn't have to do that, Natsume." I said while rubbing my head where the apple was thrown. He just ignored me.

My brother was snickering the whole time after what he saw. "You know that I won't kiss him, right?" He was still ignoring me, I sighed and dragged him outside the stadium for a private talk.

"Oii, Natsume" I waved my hand in front of his face to irritate him and I successfully did it but still ignoring me.

I had no choice but to hug him. He stiffened a bit but relaxed to my touch "Stop being jelly, Natsume." He clicked his tongue and he lifted my chin smashing his lips to mine.

My eyes went wide and blushing furiously after a while he released me while I distanced my self  "Wh-Wha?" Pointing my fingers shakily at him.

My face was red as a tomato. He smirked at my reaction and went near towards me "What's wrong your blushing?" Teasing me as if nothing happened "It's your fault!" I punched his chest lightly while hiding on his chest.

Natsume's POV:

She was hiding on my chest still blushing it makes me want to do it again. She looked at me with a angry face with blushed on it.


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