★Chapter 23: Injuries★

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The test results were now released but the blue haired female didn't get her papers nor showed up. It's been a week already without her. The class is getting worried about her absence especially the raven haired male.

"She's been doing missions too much, It has been already a week without her." Narumi has been talking about her absence with the other teachers at the Teacher's lounge. "What can you do about it? After all she is his favorite." Jinno said but also can't help worrying about her.

Mei's POV:

It's been a week already. I was exhausted and full of injuries. He never let me rest for a week. I was walking through the halls to find Naru-sensei. It's a good thing that no one got to see me limping around this halls.

As I arrived at the door of the Teacher's lounge my body is starting to give up. 'Come on, just a little more.' I opened the door to see Naru-sensei and it seems that he noticed me entered. "Mei! It's already a week and you didn't came back!" By the look of it he is worried sick. I can't argue anymore my body began bleeding through my clothes and bandages.

"Narumi--" before I can call him I blacked out falling down on the floor. All I heard was my name being called.


3rd POV:

It's already been a week and a certain raven haired boy is getting worried about the red eyed girl. Everytime he comes inside their class the blue haired female is missing and It's killing him that he can't get to hear her melodic voice. "It has been a week already where is she?!" Mikan exclaimed and went banging her head onto the wall. "Mikan, c-calm down, I'm sure there is a reason?" The class president said while fidgeting is fingers. "B-but!---" She was interupted by a smack on her head. "Mikan, Calm down..." Hotaru said.

Natsume had enough of their bickering and took an acton to find her. He stood up from where he sat and went to the doors. "Natsume?" Luca called. "Don't follow me." That being said by him he went outside and started finding her by only talking a certain teacher.

※※※※ School's Hospital※※※※

"This could have killed her!"

"Calm down, Narumi!" The blonde teacher is throwing a tantrum everywhere inside the room of Mei inside the hospital while Mei is on the patient bed where all medical hoses, oxygen mask and etc. This was a terrifying scene for them.

"How could he do this to her?! She's just a child!" Narumi said angrily. "We don't know what's the reason but hopefully she wakes up soon." Jinno sighed and went out of the room and went to his class to announce that Mei will not be joining them for a while.

"Mei!" The door burst open revealing a blue haired male, Tsubasa. He went to grab her hand and sat down. "So you've heard?" Narumi asked. Tsubasa gritted his teeth and anger was visible in his eyes. "When?"


"When is she going to wake up?"

Narumi sighed and said "We don't know yet the doctor said that she has a lot of injuries and exhausted from not sleeping and resting."

"Tsk! That bastard!"

"Anyways I have to go and explain talk to him about this." Narumi left the room and left the two behind as he got out he clenched his fist and walked away.

As for now he is on the hallways thinking deeply and mumbling things. "Natsume will surely get mad about this..."

"What do you mean?" Narumi was startled by a sudden voice and knowing who it is...

"N-natsume?" He faced the raven haired boy with cold expression. "I'll get mad for what?" Natsume's cold voice made Narumi's back shivered. "U-uhm about Mei--"

"What about her?" Natsume's glare is slowly making the blonde teacher shrink. "E-eto..." Narumi sighed and got serious this time. "Mei is in the hosp-" Before he got to finish his sentence Natsume ran away leaving the teacher.



Mei's POV:


How much?....

How much do I have to suffer like this?

It hurts...

Someone help me...


Help me...

It hurts so much....

So much that...

I'm dying..."



[Updated: September 29, 2018]

A/N: YAY! An Update as I promised that I'm going to update anyways enjoy this chapter lil munchkins!

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