★Chapter 10: Mikan's Problem and Mei's words★

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Mikan's PoV:

I am getting worried today, I don't have any reply from grandpa while Mei-chan is sleeping beside her partner.

Mikan asked her classmate with a Divination Alice to find out what's wrong with grandpa.

I was dancing to know about my grandfather and I got tired of it.

After dancing, She told about my grandfather is at the gate begging to see me.

We used my bestfriend's technology to see my grandfather he's at the gate and it's true that he was begging, I saw him kneeled and coughing

I was worried and panicking "I want to go see him!!" I shouted but Inchou stopped me

"Mikan, do you really think that Sensei would let you communicate with the outside world?" Natsume said. "Especially when a troublesome like you?" This time, Mei-chan said who have woken up.

"Useless trash." Natsume said but he was glared by Mei.

"What are you suddenly blurting out? Narumi-sensei promised me. He said that he would send the letters to grandpa." I said while sweating badly.

"Mikan, the letters you gave was it sent to him?" Mei-chan said with a serious face " Let me tell you this. Narumi-sensei never sent letters and he never will." Mei sighed depressingly and Natsume continued "If you think you can trust adults in this Academy then you're wrong, especially for Mei, you and me." I was speechless but Mei talked.

"Mikan you should've observe more of your surroundings."

※※※※ A few minutes later ※※※※

I decided to give Narumi-sensei a fake letter with a camera on it.

We spied on Narumi-sensei and I saw him giving to the other teacher and got to the faculty.

"Observe now, Mikan." I heard a familiar voice I looked at my back it was Mei-chan "You came" I told her but she only nodded for answer.

I was shocked what I saw in Hotaru's device.


I barged into the Staff Room and shouted at Narumi-sensei "YOU LIED TO ME!! I have always trusted Sensei even with the bad rumors about you! I have always believed they were misunderstandings bu-." I was stopped by Mei and continued for me.

"Sensei, she trusted you fully but you broke it and you've been betraying her, you've been become enemy to her." Narumi-sensei was shocked but after that we've been punished by him.

Megumi's POV:

The blonde teacher punished us but Mikan's punishment was worse than mine. I sighed as lean on my couch watching the view outside using my window.

There was knocked on the door and I stood up from the couch and opened the door revealing Luca-pyon.

I sighed and said "You want me to help her?" He nodded and I smiled at him "Let's go." I pulled him towards to Mikan's room.

As we entered her room by distracting  the robot to get inside. Mikan cried as she said that she wanted to her grandpa just one glance only, so I decided to help her.

I used my Demon Alice to summon a Raven as I do that I bit my thumb and dark blood came out while they are talking. I summoned a Giant Raven "Come, my raven." I said as the darkness circled and revealed a Giant Raven.

I let them use my raven as I stayed and went to my room.

When I went to my room I saw Natsume watching them afar but I decided to ignore him when he talked "You're going to ignore me now?" I was confused what he said as I told him "No, I just don't want to disturb you so..."

He turned around to look at me as he genuinely smiled at me and I asked him unexpectedly "Natsume, promise me that your smile is just for me." I just noticed what I said and blushed madly "Forget what I said!" I shouted and ran towards to my room.

Natsume's POV:

"Natsume, promise me that your smile is just for me." I was shocked at that moment and had a tint of blush on face but she realized what she said and blushed madly "Forget what I said!" She ran away and I chuckled at her cuteness.

"You're being selfish but I liked it." I mumbled as I went to my room.

3rd Person's View:

After that long day. The problem of Mikan was solved and she even call the blonde teacher a father.


There was a crowded line of anime including Mei who was checking out the pic with Natsume who is speechless but Mei couldn't forget what she said and getting flustered when she us beside him.


[EDITED: September 28, 2017]

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