★Chapter 3: Northern Woods★

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3rd Person's View:

When the blue haired girl wen to the forest, she saw Mikan, Hotaru and the Class Rep. walking towards a small cottage.

Megumi's POV:

I saw the my three classmates walking towards the little cottage and walked in front of them and they were startled "Gyah! Mei-chan don't scare us like that." Class Rep. said while wiping his sweat for being scared.


I showed them what I wrote "Why are you here? They already know your alice." The pig tailed girl asked while Hotaru nodding in agreement.

I pouted and turned into my chibi form.

○They were rude to me and I'm lonely there○

I said while fidgeting my thumbs. They chuckled at my childish act.

We started walking and we saw a teddy bear chopping some logs. Mikan went near to the bear and started playing around it but Class Rep. is panicking about it because the is bear is not normal and the will get mad, Class Rep. tried to stop her but it was too late. The teddy bear started punching Mikan and before the bear threw the last punch I carried the bear with my chibi form and didn't punch me.

I scold him by mumbling "Mr. Bear stop it your hurting my friend." The bear nodded and got down at my arms continuing his works.

○Now stop staring me its giving me a creep○ I stated while pouting and they stopped staring except for Hotaru.

○H-hotaru-san please stop it your making me want to punch you○ I said while a tick mark was on my face.

"Ah gomen its just you are interesting girl to us." she said in a usual tone of her voice.

○How come?○ I tilted my head side wards making her sigh and just smiled and walked away followed by me and Mikan and Class Rep.

After the long walk we heard a loud stomping feet. We looked up there was a big chick invading the forest. I was transformed into a chibi while drooling 'It looks delicious' I thought deeply for what's dinner.

Mikan's POV:

We saw the giant chick and probably Hotaru will think it's delicious

※※※※A few moments later※※※※

We made a plan and It worked we caught Ruka-pyon to make the chick stop crying and go back but he refuses to do it.

"If you're not gonna do it then Mei will eat it look she's drooling." Hotaru pointed at Mei who is still in her chibi form while drooling.

"W-w-wait I will do it but only don't look got it?" We nodded and hid under the tree.

3rd person's view:

In the classroom

"Natsume we heard that Ruka has been kidnapped by them!" One boy bursting in the classroom shouting about Ruka "What?" The raven haired boy raised an eyebrow and got up from the seat..

Megumi's POV:

We agreed and hid under the tree. Mikan and the others are peeking at him but I am looking at the other side to not look. Hotaru got a picture of it but I was not interested at it.

I sensed something from the classroom with angry aura'he's coming to save him' I thought starting to get worry while the delicious chick started walking towards where the chick lives.

We continued walking with Ruka this time.
I noticed that Mikan is thinking deeply.

○Dont worry you have alice from the beggining○ I showed to her the note. "How did you?" She asked and I just smiled at her and showed again my note ○Just a hunch○

I sensed somene is coming and Inchou was staring at him 'He's here huh?'

Mikan turned around and I can she is shocked.

"Natsume!" Ruka called "Ruka let's go back, The game is over this girl failed" Natsume was angry and Mikan gasped.

Natsume grabbed the bangs of Mikan and bump her in the tree "Controlling Ruka without my permission, you underestimated me!" Natsume growled at her "Natsume stop it, I'm fine so" Ruka said nervously.

Hotaru threw a smoke pink bomb and I was just about to get them but the fire sorrounded Inchou "Inchou!" Mikan shouted.

"This is bad I need to help them, I have no choice to use it then" I mumbled. I clicked my two fingers making a strong wind from my Ice Alice and the fire got blown "I-impossible" Natsume said making his fire grew.

Inchou and Hotaru was now in the circle of fire. I sensed that Mikan is going to used now 'I need to block it' I thought and Mikan jumped to stop Natsume before she can used her I ran towards to the middle of them and block Natsume.

"Frágma tou skótous" I whispered making a barrier and Mikan made a huge Nullification alice "Why are you here?" The raven haired boy asked "I'm here to block it and this alice is too much for you and I know you sickness " I said with my voice this time.

It was now over and my barrier was gone. Narumi-sensei came running towards us "Are you alright Guys?" He asked and he walked near to Natsume and made use of his Alice to make him unconscious "Now Mikan you passed you are now a student of this Academy." He congratulate Mikan and everyone now is happy including me.

Before I can walk towards to Mikan to congratulate her, I felt a sting in my head 'I never thought her alice will affect me this much'

I put my hands in my head to stop the pain but It didn't work "Mei-chan, are you alright?"

Mikan asked and I started falling but Narumi-sensei caught me in time.

The blonde teacher checked my temperature and noticed it.

"I never thought that Mikan's alice would affect her too much after blocking that alice." he stated worriedly

"I'm fine" I mumbled and tried to stand up but failed my world is starting to get dark "Mei-chan!" That's last what I heard before blacking out.


[EDITED: September 23, 2017

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