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Megumi: *knocks hard at Authors door* Oi, oi! Author! Why haven't you updated yet?!

Author: ...

Megumi: Talk to me! *breaks the door*

Author: ...

*Author was laying on the floor with a messy room*

Megumi: *screams* Naaa! Call the ambulance!

Mikan: Wha- What!? *Peeps at the door* Author- chan!

Author: *twitched grabs Megumi's Foot*

Megumi:*jumps away* She's alive! More importantly...


What's this mess?!

*the books are scattered, papers everywhere and etc*

Author: *stands up* Oh your here *plops on the bed*

Megumi: That's all you have to say?! *flips table*

Mikan: Ma.. ma.. You should come down Author-chan have been stressed lately.

Megumi: Ha?! She should have reminded us! She better update soon or else!

Author: I will...

Mikan: see.. she just needs rest.

Megumi: Yeah yeah.

Unknown: Now! Author has been lately stressed out out! But she will update after her rest.. Bye!

Dangerous Girl (Gakuen Alice fanfic) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now