★Chapter 17: Jealousy and Him★

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3rd's Perspective view:

"Eh!? Mei-chan is not going to class, again!? This is the fifth time!?" Inchou asked/shouted at the blonde male teacher while on the other side Mikan is banging her head on the wall. "Well, we don't have any choice. We tried to convince her but she refused." Narumi-sensei sighed after he told them the reason.

"It's my fault, after that happened she stopped coming to class." Mikan said still banging her head on the wall but then it was stopped by Hotaru "Stop it, she doesn't blame you." Mikan sighed and decided to sit down while sulking.

At the back of the class, Natsume have been bad mood lately.

"Natsume..." Ruka is worried about him after all when they visited her all was her response was 'leave me alone.'

But the mood was broke by the blonde  male teacher by clapping his hands "Ok! Today we have a transfer student!" The class's attention was now on the teacher.

"You can come in now~!" The teacher called the transfer student as he entered.

"Meet Tora Akio~" All girls squealed except Mikan and Hotaru because his looks were handsome as the girls definition.

White hair and grey eyes (pic above.. not mine.)

"Why don't you introduce yourself~?" The white haired boy sighed and started to talk "I am Tora Akio, you can call me Akio and..." He trailed off and smirked widely as he looked at them. They were shocked at his expression. "I'm stealing Onee-chan from you." He pointed at the glaring raven haired boy.


The class though and they were speechless but was interrupted by the door shut opened harshly revealing the blue haired girl in a bad mood all attention was now fully on her.

The white haired boy looked at her and a smile plastered on his face while she was pissed. Irk marks are all over her head.

"Who are you?." She said with a cold voice making them shiver.

"That's very mean question, now that I have found you." Somewhere in the room Natsume was glaring hard at him while the Mei sighed.

"W-wait! Mei! Who is he!?" Mikan shouted as the blonde teacher was nowhere to be found.

"I don't know." Mei said not looking at but to him. Mikan flinched at her change of voice. She never had experienced that.

"My, my~ Mei, are you mad at her just because of that incident?" Tora Akio said with a mocking voice.

"I don't have to deal you now, I'm tired." Mei sighed as she was about to sat down beside Natsume where she seated before but her seat was replaced by Mikan.

"I'm sorry, Mei but Mikan was placed there when you were absent these past days." Inchou said with a sad voice as he pointed where she was seated now.

'He didn't even refuse, her being transferred seat.'

Mei clicked her tongue as she turn around not facing anymore the raven haired boy who was shocked up until now.

"I'm feeling sick, tell that to all teachers."

"Bu-" Before Class Rep. can talk the door was shut close, leaving them speechless.

"It seems that you made her mad." The white haired boy said as went to his seat while Natsume was about to burn him but stopped by Ruka.

Mei's POV:

'I was replaced, huh?' I can't help it,  I felt a pain in my heart. A tear slipped from my face as I wiped it.

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