★Chapter 14: Confession★

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Megumi's POV:


I was playing around at a beautiful meadow with my whole family "Elizabeth... Be careful we don't want you to hurt yourself." Mama said.

I tripped and face planted on the grass. Papa rushed towards where I was and helped me from getting up. I was crying and my knee got a scratch. Papa sighed and smiled "Mama warned you... Come on we got to treat that wound of yours." I wiped of my tears but they still coming down. Mama giggled and started treating my knee.

We were happy but then the scene changed.

The entire house was burned and the bodies of my parent were lying there...

"No... please not this again!" I shouted as I ran away and voices keep ringing in the darkness "Murderer... murderer... you should die...


*End Dream*

I opened my eyes quickly and sat down breathing heavily. I hugged myself and started shaking badly.

'It's all my fault'

I cried loudly and talked to my self

"It's all my fault! That they died! I wished that I was never born!" I shouted while crying as my Alice went out of control.

All glass broked, Ice are scattering in the floor and blue flames are scattered everywhere.

"I wished that I was the one who died! Not them!" I cried and cried loudly.

As someone barged in the door I looked at the door to see my cousin and some of my classmates including Narumi-sensei while my eyes are full of tears.

They were shocked what they saw, all the windows are destroyed and the Ice are on the floor, walls and blue flames are scattered .

Narumi's POV:

We heard scream and shattering sounds inside the room of Megumi.

I am with the others also with her cousin who barged in the room.

We were shocked that the windows shattered All walls covered with Ice also blue flames were scattered.

The blue haired girl looked at us and her eyes were full of tears

Tsubasa Ando hurriedly hugged the blue haired girl "Mei, calm down a bit it's not your fault." He said with a serious voice while Rika who just introduced herself earlier came in and fixed all the damages.

The room is so cold and its turning back to normal.

"Mei... It's not your fault, it was just an accident." the dark blue haired boy 'Accident?'

I was shocked when Rika put the broken glasses in the window and the blue flames were gone.

"What just happened?" I asked looking seriously at her brother "There is still you don't know about her and Rika's Alice was created by her." Her brother said and let her sister sleep while Rika and the others left so we can talk privately.

"Now I can talk freely, let's start with  her real name...

Elizabeth Megumi Yuki, in the past majority of them. They call her Elizabeth, Lizzy or Eliza but she removed it because it will make her remember her beloved parents who died in a accident. Her parents died because her Alices went berserk and destroyed their house and killed her parents by accident. She always blame herself and she always wished that she was never born." He explained everything about her as I was shocked that this kind of age, she has a Powerful Alices.

"Tsubasa, you know already that we need to add more restraints for her, it seems like the restraints weren't enough." I regret what I said as he looked down and hesitantly nodding.

※※※※ Timu Skippu ※※※※

3rd Person's View:

It was sunny morning and the pigtailed haired girl was so happy because she became one star but at the same time she is sad when Mei is not around but she needs to be happy for her.

When Mikan entered the classroom she was greeted by many people congragulate her for becoming a one star.

But they are some that hated her. Permy butted in and stopped the stupid cheer.

The door was opened and Luca was there with Natsume but there was no sign of Mei.

Mikan's POV:

I looked at Natsume and stared him intently so that he can tell where is the blue haired girl but he just ignored me and looking around, it seems that he doesn't know also.

Natsume's POV:

I looked around to see the blue haired girl but she is not here "Natsume, she is not here yet." Luca said and I sighed.

I just nodded and continued to sit down and looked at my side from where she is sitting . I sighed again waited for her.

10 minutes later

I was still waiting for her as I was about to give up but then the door was opened revealing the blue haired girl but she has more restraints it's almost covering her arms and she is wearing a mask that is showing only her lips. I clenched my hands and gritting my teeth.

Everyone was silent but at the same time they were relief that she is safe but the polka dot panty shouted at her and cried "You made me so worried Mei-chaaann!!" she sobbed in her chest but she only patted her and talked "I'm sorry for making you all worry." she said with a soft tone.

I was still stuck on my seat. I can't remove my butt on the chair but I felt she was looking at me as I looked back at her.

I can feel that she is smiling in her mask and walked towards to me sat beside me.

"Are you mad at me Natsume?" she asked me with a concerned voice "No... I'm not, I'm just happy that you are safe" I said as grabbed her hands and walk outside towards to the Northern Forest.

"Natsume, what's wrong? And why did you bring me here?" She roamed around a little and looked at me "That mask restraint of yours... when are you going to remove it." I asked seriously but she giggled "I know you would ask that... It will last tomorrow." I sighed in relief as she laughed at me.

"Are you afraid of not seeing my face?" She said making me blush furiously.

"N... no!" I stuttered and continued laughing.

I turn my back at her to hide my blush but what she did next was unexpected.

She hugged and kissed my blushing cheeks "I never thought of saying this but... I love you Natsume." She confessed as I was shocked and couldn't move.

"You don't have to answer today." She said and broke us from the hugged.


"Eh?" She was confused what I said and I turn around to face her "That day before Reo disturb us. I was going to confess but you beat it to me." I said as I inhaled deeply.

"I love you too, Baka." I finally confessed and she looked happy as I smiled at her but...

The others were spying on us. I sighed and Mei chuckled.


[EDITED: September 30, 2017]

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