★Chapter 22: First Semester Exams and Problems★

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3rd POV:

"If I can get to top that means!" Mikan beamed in excitement and already striving for it to get home and see her grandfather. The problem is...

That she is really bad at some point. They were taunting her in her mind and also just looking at Natsume's face... It says it all. She really wanted to do her best at all cost as for the blue haired female who is being silent which is unusual for her well for them.

"Is something the matter, Mei?" The raven haired asked knowing that he is bothered as well at her well being. "It's nothing." Natsume sighed. He can't really convince her telling him unless by force. She sighed too knowing that didn't convince the boy "Natsume?" He hummed in response. She rested her forehead to his and said "You should study too." She smiled at him "I don't need it, you know that." She chuckled and flicked his forehead "I know that." She left before he can retort back. Their classmates were stunned on how they treat each other.

In Special Class

"Hm? You wanted to rank high?" Tsubasa said while eating a pocky. "Are you saying that I can't?!" Mikan said while having a crocodile tears. "Well I'm not saying that can't." Her senpai was not helping at all but suggested someone can help her a little "You should go to Mei, she knows how to teach you." Mikan nodded and dashed away from the special class to find the certain female.

Mei's POV:

This is troublesome. She will probably come to me later. "Nee-san, What are you doing here?" This irked me because this brother of mine shouldn't be here as well. I head lock my brother and ruffled his hair "I will be the one asking that! Don't you have exams too, for goodness sake!"

"Ow... Ow ... Ow. I was but I noticed you here." I released him and sighed "You should go back." I said. "Nee-san, I know something is bothering you." Akio said worryingly "Mikan might be in trouble." I saw that my brother looked confused. I just patted my brother's head and said "Now, this time you should really go back." He nodded and left her.

"Mei! I finally found you!" Oh my speaking of the munchkin. "Let's go" I grabbed her hand and walked. "Eh? Where are we going?" I smirked and said "To study, silly."

※※※※※Timu Skippu※※※※※

Mikan is now fast asleep. She did her best today. I put a blanket around her and left without saying anything. This day has been a long day. "But this doesn't make me feel alright." I murmured and went inside my room and changed into my sleeping wear.

Just as I was about to lay down. I felt a presence in my bed and guess who it was. Of course it was Natsume. I sighed and decided to let him off this time and slept beside him and let the darkness consume me.

Unbeknownst to me he pulled me closer towards his chest.


Morning has come. My eyes opened seeing that I was being hugged by Natsume. I sighed and shook him slightly to wake him up. He stirred a little before opening his eyes but still not letting go. "Natsume, let go." Natsume smirked and hugged me tighter "Don't want too."

"You're being childish." I said and played his hair. "Don't care." He snuggled closer making me sigh. "Come on, we're going to be late." He sighed and got up from the bed. Just as he got up I went towards the bathroom "You should get ready now." I shut down the bathroom door and heard a faint yes.

As soon as I was finished. I exited my room and saw Natsume waiting for me. "Let's go." He said while he grabbed softly my hand and went to class.

3rd POV:

The exam has began and the first one to come in was the perv- I mean blonde teacher who gave us the exam.

※※※※※ Timu Skippu ※※※※※

They weren't expecting this. To make it clearer Mei and Natsume sat there shock seeing Persona as the substitute teacher. Persona smirked at the both of them especially Mei, his favorite.

Mei glared at him. After the exam, Natsume and Mei followed him outside. "What are you trying to pull, Persona?" Mei asked with venomous voice. "You should watch your tone, Megumi." He said as he removed his ponytail from his hair. "What a creep like you doing in our classroom." Natsume said while glaring at him. "I was ordered by the headmaster." He said while looking at Mei. Mei knew that face and it means a mission.

After all Mei is Persona's favorite...

It's surprising that the both of you are getting patient and taking tests. They said that both of you are calm and well mannered especially you, Megumi." Persona said while staring again at Mei.

Mei had enough of him but she can't just recklessly attack him so just clenched her first. "It seems a certain kitty has soften the both of you." Both of them alerted and Mei just tried to lie "We don't know your talking about." Persona just chuckled and walked away but stopped. "You, Natsume don't even have family, so why take the test?"

Mei's POV:

She is in trouble and I don't want that. Natsume looked shocked after what he said. This is getting in my nerves. I sighed and touched Natsume's hand to calm him. "Natsume, Don't mind him." Natsume relaxed and grabbed my hand to and pulled me to hug him. I wanted this warm for a long time but soon this will end.

I break from the embrace and told him that he should go back inside. "What about you, idiot girl?" He asked me but just smiled at smiled and pushed him inside not letting him speak anymore.

I sighed and went to Persona's direction.

"I thought you won't come, Megumi." I just ignored him and grabbed my mask from him.

"Don't lay a finger on them." He just smirked at me and harshly grabbed a hold of my hair while I winced in pain. "I knew you would say that, after all..." I knew that this day would come.

"You always take Natsume's missions. You've grown attached to him lately. Isn't it? Elizabeth."


(Updated: June 18, 2018)

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