★Chapter 16: Hunted House!?★

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3rd Person's View:

"The Technical class is so amazing!" The pig tailed girl is so happy even if she is the slave of the blue haired girl more she have forgotten about it, Mikan's eyes is beaming with full of excitement but she noticed the blue haired girl is distracted and this is the chance for her to run away and search for Hotaru.

After she ran away, she saw a giant robot that showed up and that robot was one of the invention of Hotaru and she is inside of it.

The pig tailed girl was shocked and fell down on the floor while admiring Hotaru.

Megumi's POV:

While I was distracted Mikan took a chance to ran away from me but i just ignored when I saw a boy that looks familiar to me.

'Is that?' I shook my head and sighed 'No, maybe I am just hallucinating.'

"What's wrong?" The raven haired boy asked and I just shrugged it off and said "It's nothing..." I just watched the invention of Hotaru.

※※※※Timu Skippu※※※※

3rd person's view

They decided to go towards at the haunted house of Inchou but when they saw the building gave them a chills.

Mikan, still wanted to go inside but too scared so Natsume, Mei and Ruka got in first instead not wanting to waste time.

They were walking through the dark hallways where there is a full of ghosts and hands coming out from the walls and floor.

Mikan was scared and hugged the arms of the blonde haired boy "You're hurting me." The blonde boy said while wincing by her grip but the pigtailed girl said that don't leave her.

While on the front they are just walking calmly but then they encountered an scary old lady and Mikan shouted in horror while ghosts are coming out from the wall "Kyaaahhhhh!!!!" Mikan shouted making the bunny panic and ran away from the grasp of the blonde boy  while he went after the bunny.

Mikan fainted from all the scares she got while the blue haired girl was pulled by a hand making her fall "Mei!" The raven haired boy tried to grab her hand but before he grabbed her hand, a wall just came down while the blue haired girl was being dragged by a hand "It's not funny." Megumi said in a cold voice and froze the hand that was dragging her.

She stood up and sighed when she saw her foot was sore.

"Mei! Are you alright?!" Inchou said when he found her as she nodded making the class rep. sighed in relief, not taking notice of her injury in her foot.

They ran towards where Mikan and Natsume was.

As they arrived, she saw that wall is still there. The blue haired girl kicked the wall backwards making it break into pieces.

As the scene was clear enough to see but Mei saw something that she wished she didn't saw it.

Mikan was on top of Natsume...

The blue haired girl stared with wide eyes, shocked and silent "What are you guys doing?" Ruka-pyon said, blocking Megumi's sight. Ruka was also shocked.

"I-it's not what you think!" The pigtailed haired girl stuttered and while Natsume tried to say it was a misunderstanding.

"It's fine, you don't have to reason it out." Mei said with a hint of jealousy but put up with a fake smile

The raven haired boy was shocked at her fake smile and saw her eyes...




While somewhere near the dark corner. A boy smirking in triumph.


[EDITED: November 08, 2017]

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