★Chapter 21: The Dance★

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3rd POV:

"You want me to sing at these stupid dances?" - Megumi

The girl was being ask or rather being convinced to sing at the dance that will be held today's night while the blonde teacher still pleading to do it

"Please, Mei-chan! For me?" giving his best puppy dog eyes to convince the blue haired girl, unfortunately it did't work. "I refuse, I don't want any attentions anymore." She walked pass through the blonde teacher with her brother following. "Why not accept it, nee-san?" 

She sighed as she continued walking "Please, I'm tired. I don't want tiring myself anymore." They walked through the halls until they arrived at their classroom. All she wanted was to sit and sleep but no, her table is surrounded by girls fawning over the raven haired male.

"What's going on?" Mikan said as she entered the room with the others. "They're probably talking about the dance tonight." Her brother replied.

"They seem jockeying to ask Natsume and Luca to dance with them." Nonoko said and decided to look at the blue haired female. "Can't I have a peaceful day?" Mei asked her brother more like to everyone.

"Also some of the Junior Division trying to ask him to be his girlfriend, How annoying! Don't they know that he is already has Mei-san!" Permy said.

"I can't believe a pervert can be popular to girls." Mikian said as she was very shocked at the moment. 'Is the world coming to end!' Mikan thought. "Get away from Natsume-kun and Luca-kun!" The girls were keeping distance while Permy shooing them away. "Anyways, Mei-chan! Who you going with?" Mikan said. The blue haired female still looked irritated and tired. She tried getting the girls away from her sit and get rest but she is still standing while watching the scene in front of her "I don't know what to do anymore."

Her brother sighed and explained to Mikan her lack of response "You should stop asking her. Her state is very horrible."

"Eh? What do you mean?" - Mikan

"Well, you know Narumi-sensei bragging her all morning and some boys wanted to dance with her." Finally, the girls from the junior division noticed the blue haired female whose dozing off. "Isn't that the one who kissed Luca?" All of the girls began gossiping about her, more like badmouthing at her. Natsume looked annoyed while Luca is blushing, what really happened was they didn't kiss. "Maybe, she just bribe them to dance with her? After all they both turned us down?"

Okay, now that was too much for her, she was about to retort back at them but Mikan beat it to her "What did she do to deserve this stupid comments behind her back!" Mei covered her mouth to stop her from babbling to those girls. "You know, all you do is create rumors that it isn't true, so I suggest shut your dirty mouths." She glared at them. "It's not I've wanted to go to that that last dance I'd rather lock myself at my room." The girls were silenced after all they deserved it. "Mei-chan!" Here comes the blonde teacher. "Alright! It's time to get ready for tonight, chop! Chop!" They were out now but Natsume didn't had the chance to ask her because of Narumi-sensei "Have you decided already?" The blue haired female just nodded and letting blonde teacher lead her way.


"Misaki-senpai! You look cute!" Mikan complimented but noticed someone is missing "Are? Where is Mei?"

"Now that you said she is nowhere to be seen?" Tsubasa said while looking around for the blue haired female but he notice that his lil cousin boy is here "Oii~ Akio! Where is Mei?"

"Don't ask me, she was nowhere to be found when she got out of the room." Her brother replied while eating the food that was on the table. All of them were confused about the missing presence of the female. Mikan gasped as she remembered what Mei said and started panicking "Don't tell her words a while ago were true?!" As soon as she said that Hotaru whack her head for being stupid "Akio said it while ago that she was out of her room, weren't you listening?" Hotaru said with her usual face "Eh? She was?" Hotaru facepalmed as she went to eat.

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