★Chapter 19: Snow White P2★

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3rd POV:

"Uuwaaaah~ There are lots of people" Mikan exclaimed "And animals." added the blue haired girl "Y-yeah."

Koko sweat dropped "By the way Sensei, What on earth the play is about?" Mei asked while investigating her surroundings "Maa... That's for to find out?" Said the blonde teacher.

An irked mark appeared in Mei's head  and walked away.

"Mind reader-kun, What are those?" Mikan pointed at the box full of slimeballs while Mei was checking out her something.

"Oh this is a Powerful slime balls." Koko said but then the curtain is about to fall making everyone panic.

"Kya~!" Mikan shouted and dodging all the slime balls but also got caught with Akio.

Mei was dodging everything for her not to be stuck. " Wh-what happened!?" Sensei asked worryingly and saw the room in a full of stuck peoples but the blonde teacher prioritized first the students and staffs.

"Is anyone hurt!?" Sensei was checking out the people and saw that they were stuck with some slime balls.

"We're very sorry!" The four of them apologized but of course not Mei because she was checking out something.

"No, it's not your fault, you were just caught by the accident we caused." The senior said and started fixing.

"This is a problem, we need to change the script." Sensei explained everything while the blue haired girl is spacing out.

Mei's POV:

I was dozing off and stared all the disaster.I stopped staring and started to help the other to fix the room but then she heard a fangirling voice.

"Kyaa~! Natsume-kun! What are you wearing?" Permy Fan girled

I looked towards to where is Natsume and thought 'Oh God... Very Neat' I thought and decided to take a picture of him.


Natsume noticed the flash and looked at me. I nervously waved at him and hid the camera 'Oopss'

Natsume's POV :

I noticed a flash and look towards it and I saw Mei with a camera while waving at me nervously 'Oh you're so dead after I am done with this outfit' I thought and and glared at her playfully, Making her gulp...

3rd POV:

Everyone is having a problem about the bubblegum that can be remove in a hour.

Natsume was busy punishing Mei for capturing a picture of him by strangling her "G-give up, give up Natsu-kun~" She tried to get out from his tight grip.

"Hmm~ We really need a prince for the play." Sensei muttered and looked towards to the poor girl who was being punished "Ahah!" Mei was released from his gripped and sensed something bad. " Hm~ she can be the prince~♡." Narumi sensei said but before the blonde teacher will talk to her, she kept her distance from him knowing his intention "No, no, no I won't do the prince's part." Narumi sweat dropped at her.

"Please be the prince Mei~tsun." Mikan said that made the blue haired girl froze and slowly looked at the pair who is stuck together "Don't add tsun on my name, you stupid maggot." Mei pinched and stretching Mikan's cheek...

"I-itai~" Mikan anime cried and tried to get off with Akio who is calm and stuck together.

"Onee-chwan..." She felt a tug on her jacket and looked down to see the lil boy who was using puppy eyes.


Mei sighed and decided to be the part of prince "Fine, Only this once." She walked towards the dressing room and get changed.

After a few minutes, Mei came out from the dressing room and everyone's face was priceless "What?" Mei asked.

After a few minutes, Mei came out from the dressing room and everyone's face was priceless "What?" Mei asked

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[Mei's Outfit, I don't own the pic]


Updated: January 30, 2018.

Gosh, I finally updated after some stressful work... I finally got rest from all works/projects.

Anyways, here's a new chapter of Dangerous girl.

I kinda decided to make the cover new but....

I would likely appreciate someone to draw Megumi... I kinda suck at drawings haha... You could just message me If you wanted to hehe.

That's all I wanted to say.


Dangerous Girl (Gakuen Alice fanfic) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now