#2 He Leaves For Tour

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He leaves for tour...

Harry :

Harry's flight was scheduled to leave in an hour. The airport had reserved a private lounge for the boys. Everyone sat around chatting and taking pictures and just having fun while time passed. The boys were excited but also sad. You were just really sad. You kept checking the time, not wanting it to go by, but it. You only had fifteen minutes until they had to board the plane.

"Let's go somewhere else." Harry whispered to you. He took your hand and led you to the opposite side of the lounge away from everyone else. Harry sat down and motioned for you to sit down on his lap.

"I'm going to miss you so much." You told him.

"I'm going to miss you too. But in three weeks you're coming to visit. That's not that far off." He tried to comfort you with his smile. He repositioned you so you were straddling him. He held you close in his arms and kissed you passionately. You pulled away but your fingers gently rested on his face. You smiled at eachother for a quick second and then went back in to kiss some more.

"Three weeks without kissing you is going to be difficult." He laughed and began kissing down your neck.

"Harry! We have to go!" Louis called from the opposite side of the lounge. You and Harry got up and started walking towards where he had to go board. Once you got to security it was time for you to go. He pulled you in for a hug.

"Don't meet any knew guys while I'm gone." He smiled.

"Don't find any hot groupie girls." You laughed. "I would never." He smirked and kissed you. He saw the tears start to form in your eyes.

"Three weeks. I'll see you in three weeks, so don't you dare cry. Or I'll start crying." He kissed you again.

"I'd better go board. I love you babe."

"I love you too, Harry." You gave him your final hug.

"Bye boys! Safe flight!"

Niall :

Niall was leaving to for One Direction's World Tour today. You were taking him to the airport so you could say goodbye. You were both extremely sad but he was trying to stay positive for you. You expected there would be a private room that you'd all wait in and say goodbye in, but all angles of the airport were accessible to the mass of fans outside. Security blocked off there area where you and the boys waited but the fans still snapped pictures. You and Niall stood against a wall trying to hide from the cameras the best you could so you could have a private goodbye. Your hands wrapped around his neck and his hands were planted firmly on your back pulling you in as close as possible.

"I wish you were coming with me." Niall said tears filling his eyes. Both of you were really emotional.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." A tear trickled down your face.

"Now I'm going to cry." Niall laughed a bit but it was a different laugh than his usual. Niall wiped you tear with his thumb and kissed you gently. When you pulled away you saw tears leaving streaks down his face causing you to cry even more. You buried your head in his shoulders and he kissed your neck.

"I love you, baby." He whispered in your ear. You leaned up and kissed him passionately. You felt Niall's hand leave your back and realized he was trying to block you guys from all the cameras the were pointing at the two of you kissing. When you both finally pulled away it was time for Niall to leave.

"I'll call you as soon as I land." He promised.

"I love you, Nialler."

"Love you, (Y/N)."

Louis :

You and Louis decided that it was best if you didn't go to the airport with him as it would be filled with fans and paparazzi and your goodbye couldn't be as private. Since his flight left early in the morning you stayed the night at his flat.

"How about we stay up all night?" Louis gave you a hopeful smile.

"I only have a couple hours left before I leave and I don't wanna waste any of it on sleep." He laughed.

"Okay. What are we going to do all night?" You smiled.

"I have an idea." Louis picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. He laid down on top of you and kissed your lips and began trailing down your neck. He started unbuttoning your shirt, but he was going to slow so you took it off yourself while he took off his clothes.

"You're so beautiful, " He told you as he kissed your body.

"I'm really going to miss this." Once you finished you laid wrapped in his arms and you chatted for hours. You were laughing so hard from all the stupid jokes Louis told you that your face hurt. You were having so much fun and before you knew it, it was time for Louis to leave. Louis kissed you one more time before rolling out of bed.

"Oh, I forgot I was naked." He laughed. He put on some clothes and went back to the bed to give you another kiss.

"Get some rest and by the time you wake up I'll be calling you to tell you I've landed." He smiled and kissed your forhead. You grabbed his hand.

"I love you!"

"I love you, (Y/N)." He picked up his bags and headed for the door but stopped and turned,

"Last night, was incredible, by the way." He winked.

"When you come visit in a couple weeks I expect we'll do it again." You laughed,

"Of course, Lou. You're gonna be late. I love you. Safe flight." He put his bags down and jumped into the bed and attacked you in a bear hug. He held you tight and you leaned in and kissed him.

"Bye, babe." He said as he walked out the door. A tear trickled down your face but you were soon asleep, you're night with Lou made you VERY tired ;)

Zayn :

The car was set to pick Zayn up at the flat in just a few minutes to take him to the airport. He wanted to say goodbye to you here, in private. You sat on a bench waiting for the car. Zayn's arm was wrapped around. He was really quiet but he finally spoke,

"I'm really going to miss you, (Y/N)."

"It's going to be so hard not seeing you for a month." You frowned. He leaned down and kissed you gently. Your hands cupped his face letting him know not to pull away. He deepened the kiss.

"When we do see eachother it's just going to be even more special." He smiled but frowned once he saw the tears in your eyes.

"Hey, don't cry." He told you. Just then the car pulled up. He got up and loaded his bags into the trunk. He walked over to you and gave you a big hug.

"You give the best hugs." You told him while the tears streamed down your face. He laughed and kissed you.

"If you keep crying its going to be even harder for me to leave." He pulled you in for another hug and held you in his arms for a good two minutes.

"I love you, Zayn." You kissed him.

"I love you. I'll call you in the morning." You cried and waved goodbye as the car pulled away. You just stood there watching it drive on. Your phone beeped and you snapped back into it. It was a text from Zayn,

"i'm gonna try and come home for a couple days in two weeks. i already miss you tons. please go inside and get some rest. don't cry babe. i love you :) xx"

Liam :

You stood in Liam's arms as he was about to board the plane and leave for tour. All the other boys had already gotten on. They were about to start boarding Coach Class flyers so you had to hurry up and say your goodbyes. You were already bawling your eyes out. Even Liam had shed a few tears.

"I promise to call you everyday. We can text eachother pictures. And I'll tweet you all the time." He tried to make you smile. It worked. He was so sweet and adorable.

"It won't be long before you come and visit."

"I know. I'm just going to miss you." You wiped the tears from your eyes.

"Is my makeup running?" You asked. He giggled,

"You look beautiful. But it is running and bit." He wiped the mascara running from your eye.

"I'd better go, love." He pulled you in to hug you and then gave you a soft and sweet kiss on the cheek. Liam didn't like much PDA. Plus you'd said goodbye the nigth before ;)

"I love you, Liam." You told him as he walked up the stairs to board the plan.

"I love you!" He smiled. Once you got back to your apartment you went on twitter and saw that Liam had tweeted thirty minutes ago,

"@real_liam_payne : just said goodbye to @(y/t/n) :( miss her already. about 2 take off so i gotta get off twitter! (y/n), i'll call ya later xxxxx"

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